When he wears it, though, he reminds me way too much of Ari and Uzi Tenenbaum (below) from that fantastic movie, the Royal Tenenbaums!

Another thing he has learned to do, maybe in the last month, is give hugs and kisses. If you ask for kisses, he leans in with his big, open mouth and kisses your cheek. It's usually all wet and slobbery but yet so sweet! And, the hugs, my God, the hugs! A hug from Harmon is the best thing in the whole world! He just wraps his little arms real tight around your neck and it's the most awesome feeling. I try to get hundreds of hugs each day but, when he gets tired of giving them, he just bites my shoulder so I'll lay off. We need to put a stop to that!
Since he's approaching his first birthday, we thought we better get moving on those obligatory one-year photos. So, we finally booked a date (Oct. 15) with one of our good friends, who also happens to be the top photographer at U-M. We're doing the photos a bit early in hopes of catching some beautiful fall colors before they're gone. We're going to do some individual shots and some family shots at some spots on campus so we're very excited. We're also going with a brown and orange theme so I hope they'll turn out nice.
In non-Harmon news, all the new fall shows are starting and Kevin and I really need to decide what we have time for. Of course, there will be the usual shows (Survivor, ER, Supernanny, Wife Swap, etc.) but there are several new shows that look very interesting. It's all about pacing ourselves! Last night, we finished up 15 weeks of Rock Star: Supernova, which was quite a commitment. Although it started out as just an excuse for me to drool over Tommy Lee, it ended up being a pretty good show.
This weekend is going to be a little odd as Kevin is traveling to South Bend on Saturday to attend the U-M @ ND game with his two best friends. I hope he brings some good luck to U-M as I have a feeling they're going to need it. The last time we went to South Bend, it wasn't pretty!
On Sunday, I think we're going to take Harmon shopping to get him some fall/winter clothes. He only has a few things so we need to change that – so spoiled!