They say birds of a feather flock together, and that will happen on the wall of our den this summer when I finally hang my master's degree. Yes, it has been a long haul, but I am officially done being a college student with my pending graduation from
Eastern Michigan Uni
versity with a Master of Arts in Communication. With that, my two degrees have a fowl taste -- from the Redbirds of
Illinois State University (where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Journalism) to the Eagles of EMU. Now for the Academy Awards section of this entry. Much thanks go to my
parents for supporting my educational pursuits, both monetarily and emotionally. But I honestly would not be writing this today without
Aimee. She helped me get the ball rolling at EMU in 2003 after I had been out out of school for alm

ost a decade, and has been a very supportive and loving wife. I know it has not been easy, especially during the week of my graduate exams. I know how hard she worked to get her MBA, and how she kept everything going while I was at class at night, especially during a whirlwind 2005 when we bought
our first home and
Harmon was born. And how can I forget my little buddy? There were nights when I came home from class and only saw him for five minutes before he
had to go to bed.
And his constantly wanting to "read, read, read" makes me realize every day how important education is. He is getting a good start! Now, where is that Ph.D. application at?