I've been back to work for 15 months and, during this time, my Mom comes to our house each and every Wednesday to watch Harmon. Unfortunately, most of the Wednesdays – no matter the season – have been very crappy when it comes to weather. At this point, it's a running joke in the family. We check the forecast all the time and it seems like every Wednesday is rainy and cold and thus, my Mom is banished indoors with a very energetic Harmon.
Last week, since she couldn't take him anywhere OUTDOORS, they were forced indoors and decided to go to Fantasy Forest. Of course, he loved it but she nearly ripped her arm off taking him down the slide! The week before, her hopes were to go kite flying but, you guessed it, it rained. They went to the hobby shop anyway to get his kite (also pictured above) and, one day soon, they'll actually get to fly it.
Every Wednesday morning, when my Mom is getting ready to make the drive to Ann Arbor, my Dad drops hints about taking the day off from work and coming with her. She keeps telling him to wait until it's nice outside so they all really can enjoy it. Hmmm, I wonder when that will be!
OK, the forecast for Wednesday, April 25 – showers and 60 degrees. Looks like Harmon won't be seeing his Papa tomorrow!