There are only so many weekends left with just you, me and Daddy and there are only so many Fridays – the day you call “Harmon and Mommy Day” – left too and that makes me sad.
While I am elated to welcome your little brother, Simon, into this world, I ask Daddy all the time how I’m EVER going to be able to love another child as much as I love you. I know it happens all the time and I know it will happen for me but, right now, I just can’t seem to get my head around the whole idea of it.
I tell you all the time “you are my whole world” and I never feel it more than when I’m NOT with you. I was out shopping (for stuff for you, of course) on Friday and I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. And, it seemed every Mom I saw had their young son with them! It’s hard when I’m not with you and I can’t imagine feeling that way – TIMES TWO! I know this will get better as you (and your brother) get older and want less and less to do with me. I understand that. But, when you’re so little, every moment is so important because it goes by SO DAMN FAST.
You’re going to be 3 next month and then, just a few weeks after that, your whole world is going to change. Until then, though, I just want as much time with you as possible.