OK, on to some of Harmon's latest quirks:
1. Having two balls at all times is Harmon's favorite thing lately, especially at bedtime. He has to go to sleep (and wake up) with TWO BALLS!
2. When we're preparing to leave the house, Harmon rounds us up by yelling "Let's Go!" He also grabs two toys to take with him every time we leave – usually the said two balls or a bat and a ball!
3. He LOVES helicopters! He'll hear them off in the distance and go crazy or he'll see one on TV and go bananas. We've driven by the U-M Survival Flight helipad a few times to see if we can catch a glimpse of one in action. On Tuesday, we got lucky as both were up and running and a third non-UM helicopter was incoming. To satisfy him while we're at home, my parents bought him two toy helicopters.
5. Although he’s always liked music, he is into it now more than ever. In addition to singing “Hail to the Victors” and “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” he loves all the songs on his nursery rhyme CDs that his Aunt Angela bought for him. He likes to listen to them in the morning and usually will sing himself to sleep at night.
6. He still loves to read and his favorite book lately is Little Pea (he calls it “Pea Book”). He also loves I am a Bunny and, of course, Goodnight Moon. He’ll read (and we’ll buy him) just about any book!
7. As for food, his latest favorites are blueberries and pancakes (which he requests so clearly). The last few months have been frustrating trying to get him to eat but Kevin and I both can tell it’s starting to get better. We don’t have to sing and dance as much these days to get him to eat his vegetables!
8. And, the language – wow! New words by the minute! Evidently, he talks and sings non-stop at day care. He goes around the classroom naming everyone and everything in addition to singing a ton. He’s also putting words together quite well – almost like sentences. He says “Hi, Mama/Dada,” “Bye bye, Mama/Dada,” “Love you, Mama/Dada,” and “Let’s go, Mama/Dada.” He repeats like a parrot and, knock on wood, there haven’t been any incidents yet!
I keep telling myself to make little notes each day about what he’s doing so these updates will go smoother. He just changes so fast and does so much – it’s hard to keep up!
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