Our appointment was with our new pediatrician, Dr. James Baker. He was great with Harmon and was full of information for us so it went very well. We do, however, miss our old pediatrician so much.
OK, on to what Harmon is up to these days. He is in love with cars, emergency vehicles (like fire trucks and ambulances) and construction equipment. He also continues his obsession with reading (which explains the vast amount of books he has) and lately has loved coloring. He still loves his stuffed animals and still pulls bats and balls out of his toy bins (I’m hoping this will pick up again in the spring). The biggest change in him has been the continued explosion of language.
He always asks us to play with his Legos by grabbing our hand (or saying “hand, hand”) and then dragging us to the living room all the while saying “beeld sumpin’ (or build something). He usually loves to build TOWERS!
He loves to say things like “wait a minute” or “oh my gosh/oh my goodness” when he is surprised about something (all the while making HUGE eyes).
Since the basement is done, he always wants to “go downstairs.” He loves it down there and he gets up and down those stairs pretty fast.
If he’s with one of us and wants to see the other, he will say “Go see Mama (Dada), go see her (him).” And, when he finds you, he gets SO excited. A related behavior is him yelling our names ridiculously loud in public places – you can hear him throughout the entire store!
When he’s stumped by a question, he says “um, um” before answering. If he remains stumped, he starts in with his roll call – naming any and all nearby family members.
And, the singing, my God, the singing. He has a medley he belts out which includes “Ba, Ba, Black Sheep,” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” And now that it’s the Christmas season, he loves to sing “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Frosty the Snowman.”
Lastly, because of his love for Handy Manny (and some prodding from his Nana), he now does his numbers in Spanish from 1-10 (I especially love “siete”). I keep encouraging this not only because of my background but because speaking Spanish REALLY will benefit him in the future!
He does something new every day and all of it amazes us!
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