Monday, August 27, 2007

Spot Takes the Plunge

Harmon has loved his baths lately. While we’re out walking, he’ll start asking for bubbles and then care barely wait until we get home. Kevin will start his bath water and Harmon will run back and forth between the living room and the bathroom getting various toys to throw in the tub. Usually, it’s just balls but, last week, he threw his “Spot Goes to School” book in there! It took us a while to notice so Spot took a hit. We thought about just putting Spot down but then I felt guilty and spent the next half hour blow drying it. Of course, he wanted to read it before bed that very night and we had to tell him Spot was on the 15-day DL. We tried to explain that books don’t go in the tub but realized there was a serious flaw in our logic since he’s had Bobalong Whale with him in the tub for about a year now. Guess we’ll just have to make sure no more books take the plunge!

As a side note, we wouldn’t have minded if all three of his Spot books went into the tub and immediately disintegrated. Harmon’s Grandma (or “eema,” as he says) got him "Where’s Spot?" earlier this year and he LOVED it! He loved it SO MUCH that we ended up reading it about 15,000 TIMES EACH DAY. The next time she visited, she brought him “Spot Goes to the Farm” and we were happy that we could read a DIFFERENT Spot book. We then bought him “Spot Goes to School,” mostly because he saw it at Borders, begged for it and didn’t want to let it go, even when we were checking out. We like little Spot just fine – he’s cute and goes on many adventures. But, because of the sheer repetition, we’re hoping one day to discover “Spot Meets a Goodyear” on the shelves at Borders!

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