Most of this blog is dedicated to Harmon, so that our family and friends can read about our big boy as he grows into a little man. But, there is another "child" in our family who does not get as much run (thanks, Rome), but means so very much to us. It is hard to believe, but our little Netherland Dwarf rabbit, Isabel (or "E-bah" as Harmon calls her), has been with us for six years. SIX YEARS! There were times when we did not think she would make it this far (bladder stone surgery a few years ago was touch-and-go), but she has perserved and is healthy and happy as ever. We do have to help her along a little bit, as she gets her teeth trimmed every three weeks or so to help her eat, but our "older gal" (coined by the staff at Animal Kingdom Veterinary Hospital) is strong and happy. Evidence of this has come the last few nights when Isabel has been playing under the Christmas tree. Not sure if she is getting high on the pine needles, or is just happy to have a place to hide from Harmon, but she has been running around and rabbit-dancing like crazy. When we brought Isabel home in nothing but a cardboard box just after she was born, we promised never to take her for granted. Admittedly, it has been hard to care for Harmon during his first two years and make sure all of her needs are met, as well. But, every day when we peel back the blanket from her cage, she is happy to see us and, usually, begging for a dried cherry. She is still kicking and still gives us kisses any time we ask. We love you, Isabel. No matter what happens with our next child, you will always be our first "daughter."
ADDENDUM: As many "teenage" girls do from time to time, Isabel decided last night that she did not want to hang out with Mom and Dad. After Harmon went to bed, we took her downstairs while I wrapped presents and Aimee walked on the treadmill. After about 20 minutes, I realized I had not seen her in a while and Aimee did not see her come in the exercise room. Sure enough, I went upstairs and she had assumed her position under the Christmas tree. She can easily scale the 12 steps and even comes down them, with a little coaxing.
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