The last few days, Harmon has wandered into our bedroom early in the morning and we’ve pulled him into bed to go back to sleep with us. Usually, he falls right back asleep and is snoring in no time. And, he’s so cute and warm and snuggly that it’s hard to resist him. We don’t want him thinking he can do this every morning but it’s hard. All this reminds us of those early days when we all would sleep in and take naps together all the time.
Up there!
Our Christmas tree is in place and partially decorated (we SO need a SET of ornaments) and Harmon loves it. He wants the lights to be on all the time and he loves to point out the colors of said lights. He also, apparently, wants to climb up into the tree. Every day since we put the tree up, he walks up to it and says “up there!” I’m not sure what business he has up in that tree but he definitely wants up there for something.
Panic in salary report town
On Tuesday, the University released its list of highest paid employees. Kevin and I were talking about this and Kevin said the following:
“I wonder when the salary report is going to be released so we can all spend a day being pissed!”
Since we work at a public university, the salary report is available for all to see (in fact, the student newspaper has a link to it). It’s REAL nice to review that report and find out that a co-worker got a four percent raise when you were told EVERYONE is getting three percent and, because of budget concerns, there isn’t any room for bigger increases this year.
Good times!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007

ADDENDUM: As many "teenage" girls do from time to time, Isabel decided last night that she did not want to hang out with Mom and Dad. After Harmon went to bed, we took her downstairs while I wrapped presents and Aimee walked on the treadmill. After about 20 minutes, I realized I had not seen her in a while and Aimee did not see her come in the exercise room. Sure enough, I went upstairs and she had assumed her position under the Christmas tree. She can easily scale the 12 steps and even comes down them, with a little coaxing.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Last night, we were chasing Harmon around the basement and it made me think of something that happened down there a few weeks ago. I was chasing him one night and he ran behind the couch. Since our couch doesn’t sit flush with the wall, there is a little “gap” and that is where he ran. He was running and screaming and yelling and his little head was bobbing like crazy. As he reached the “gap," his head hit the wall and then bounced off the wall and hit the couch. It looked like a freakin’ pinball! After making sure he was OK (he was totally fine), I could not stop laughing. And, every single time I think about it, I die over and over again.
R2 to A2
I’m cautiously optimistic about this hire, although it’s no secret that Miles was my first choice. I like that Rodriguez is young and fiery and that he is an offensive genius, credited with inventing the spread offense. I like that he will bring a fresh perspective to a program that really needed it. I like that he will bring in his own coaches (maybe a special teams’ coach, pretty please, and maybe a new strength and conditioning coach too). I also am excited about what I will see on the field and, hell, if he can win at WV, it seems he can only do better with the talent and resources at Michigan.
However, there are things that worry me too. WV played in a weaker conference and had looser academic standards so adjustment will be an issue. Also, will Michigan’s personnel fit his offensive scheme? He has no ties to Michigan and that scares me a bit when it comes to the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry. Actually, the last coach that came from the “outside” was John Cooper and he proceeded to go 2-10-1 against Michigan (yikes). I worry that it’s TOO much change and Michigan will end up like Nebraska. I also worry that, if he does have success at Michigan, he will leave when a better opportunity (college or NFL) comes along. If he left his whole life back in WV, leaving Michigan won’t be a big deal at all. My last worry – does he really want to be at Michigan – came to realization today. I read that, at first, he told Michigan no before he said yes and that he left WV because of some issues with the athletic department (some changes he wanted that hadn’t been made yet). To me, this seems like taking your ball and going home but who knows.
Obviously, I love my alma mater (my son is named Harmon for Christ’s sake) and I want Rich Rodriguez to be a great coach that will take Michigan football to a whole new level. I truly hope this happens. But, if it doesn’t, I’ll look back on this info and forever be sad:
Gary also had some really interesting things to say about the Les Miles’ deal. He talks to Les regularly as the lead color guy for the SEC and he claims that Les would have "taken $100,000" to coach at Michigan. He went on to explain that Michigan didn't really want Les Miles and it was unfortunate that Miles didn't even get a change to alleviate Martin's concerns about him as a possible Head Coach at Michigan. Les wanted Michigan but Michigan didn't want Les, only time will tell if this was a bad decision by Michigan but always understand this … Les was the best man for the job. Les Miles was a Michigan man who left Ann Arbor to learn more, expand his recruiting base and add to the Schembechler tradition, too bad he wasn't given the chance to prove it.
Quoted from:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Two years and one month
It’s Dec. 12 already and Harmon is one month into his second year. His 25-month birthday was greeted with a second case of bronchiolitis (he had it the first time last January). Kevin spent almost all of Monday afternoon with him at the doctor’s office, where he received two breathing treatments. He was sucking wind so bad he could barely cough. But, since he came home with some antibiotics and oral steroids, he’s bounced back much quicker than before. He’s pretty much back to normal, with the exception of a coughing fit here or there.
Lost in the shopping and cookie baking and tree decorating is the fact that Harmon is doing awesome with the whole big boy bed thing. We haven’t had to chase him back into bed at night in almost a week (I hope I didn’t jinx it just now)!
Funny things lately:
Over the weekend (when I think he was starting to get sick), he was tugging at his ear pretty hard. He then came over to me and said “take it off.” I died.
When he’s leaving (or we’re leaving), he yells “see you later, alligator!”
Since I brought them upstairs with the Christmas decorations, we have to play Rudolph, Santa and the Abominable Snow Monster in succession to get him to EAT!
When Kevin shows him this mini Lions helmet I got when I interned there years ago, he yells “cornbread.” Kevin also taught him to say “must be the money” – which is one of many sound bytes from the sports radio station we listen to, WDFN.
Although he’s been taking baths for two years, he’s suddenly found it hilarious to take the cup we use to rinse his hair, fill it up and then dump it over his head. He laughs so hard.
We love to scare him, especially when we’re in the basement. We hide in the bedroom or the exercise room and them growl or jump out at him. He screams so loud, usually runs in place and then starts laughing.
We have videos from July we STILL haven’t uploaded but I did manage to upload two videos I recently shot with our digital camera – "Wait a minute" and "Not diez". Sorry for the darkness.
Lost in the shopping and cookie baking and tree decorating is the fact that Harmon is doing awesome with the whole big boy bed thing. We haven’t had to chase him back into bed at night in almost a week (I hope I didn’t jinx it just now)!
Funny things lately:
Over the weekend (when I think he was starting to get sick), he was tugging at his ear pretty hard. He then came over to me and said “take it off.” I died.
When he’s leaving (or we’re leaving), he yells “see you later, alligator!”
Since I brought them upstairs with the Christmas decorations, we have to play Rudolph, Santa and the Abominable Snow Monster in succession to get him to EAT!
When Kevin shows him this mini Lions helmet I got when I interned there years ago, he yells “cornbread.” Kevin also taught him to say “must be the money” – which is one of many sound bytes from the sports radio station we listen to, WDFN.
Although he’s been taking baths for two years, he’s suddenly found it hilarious to take the cup we use to rinse his hair, fill it up and then dump it over his head. He laughs so hard.
We love to scare him, especially when we’re in the basement. We hide in the bedroom or the exercise room and them growl or jump out at him. He screams so loud, usually runs in place and then starts laughing.
We have videos from July we STILL haven’t uploaded but I did manage to upload two videos I recently shot with our digital camera – "Wait a minute" and "Not diez". Sorry for the darkness.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Lazy Sunday (well, and Saturday too)
Our weekend was extremely laid back, just what we needed before the big holiday rush. Since our Christmas shopping is done (I am, however, still working on the wrapping AND the cards), we didn’t need to hit the mall this weekend. On Saturday, we all stayed in our pajamas for a while and then Kevin and I napped when Harmon took his early afternoon nap. We then headed out to Buddy’s Pizza for dinner with hopes to catch the Wayne County LightFest afterward. I say HOPE because that’s all it was. Traffic was backed up FOR MILES and Harmon fell asleep anyway so, after waiting a half hour and moving only a block or so, we gave up. It was a good idea but would have been better on, say, a WEDNESDAY NIGHT!
Today, I swear to God we went to Target for the third day in a row and I thought Kevin was going to lose it! On Friday, we did our usual trip. Yesterday, I had to go replace a missing bag of scotch tape and gift tags that I needed for wrapping. Today, I realized there was more than I originally thought in that missing bag so I had to go back AGAIN and get a couple of things. Kevin said he felt like it was Groundhog Day! After Target, we went grocery shopping at Kroger (God, I HATE grocery shopping) and then picked out our Christmas tree on the way home.
Overall, we had a nice, relaxing weekend. The only blemish is that Harmon seems to be coming down with yet another day care cold. He’s been working on those two-year molars (they’re all partially through) so he’s had a bit of a runny nose but the crazy-ass coughing starting while we were inside Kroger. I hope this cold is a quick one because the little man wants to get outside and hunt for Santa (check out last year's version of the photo below - so little - I'm sad)!
Today, I swear to God we went to Target for the third day in a row and I thought Kevin was going to lose it! On Friday, we did our usual trip. Yesterday, I had to go replace a missing bag of scotch tape and gift tags that I needed for wrapping. Today, I realized there was more than I originally thought in that missing bag so I had to go back AGAIN and get a couple of things. Kevin said he felt like it was Groundhog Day! After Target, we went grocery shopping at Kroger (God, I HATE grocery shopping) and then picked out our Christmas tree on the way home.
Overall, we had a nice, relaxing weekend. The only blemish is that Harmon seems to be coming down with yet another day care cold. He’s been working on those two-year molars (they’re all partially through) so he’s had a bit of a runny nose but the crazy-ass coughing starting while we were inside Kroger. I hope this cold is a quick one because the little man wants to get outside and hunt for Santa (check out last year's version of the photo below - so little - I'm sad)!

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Two-year update

Our appointment was with our new pediatrician, Dr. James Baker. He was great with Harmon and was full of information for us so it went very well. We do, however, miss our old pediatrician so much.
OK, on to what Harmon is up to these days. He is in love with cars, emergency vehicles (like fire trucks and ambulances) and construction equipment. He also continues his obsession with reading (which explains the vast amount of books he has) and lately has loved coloring. He still loves his stuffed animals and still pulls bats and balls out of his toy bins (I’m hoping this will pick up again in the spring). The biggest change in him has been the continued explosion of language.
He always asks us to play with his Legos by grabbing our hand (or saying “hand, hand”) and then dragging us to the living room all the while saying “beeld sumpin’ (or build something). He usually loves to build TOWERS!
He loves to say things like “wait a minute” or “oh my gosh/oh my goodness” when he is surprised about something (all the while making HUGE eyes).
Since the basement is done, he always wants to “go downstairs.” He loves it down there and he gets up and down those stairs pretty fast.
If he’s with one of us and wants to see the other, he will say “Go see Mama (Dada), go see her (him).” And, when he finds you, he gets SO excited. A related behavior is him yelling our names ridiculously loud in public places – you can hear him throughout the entire store!
When he’s stumped by a question, he says “um, um” before answering. If he remains stumped, he starts in with his roll call – naming any and all nearby family members.
And, the singing, my God, the singing. He has a medley he belts out which includes “Ba, Ba, Black Sheep,” “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” And now that it’s the Christmas season, he loves to sing “Jingle Bells,” “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” and “Frosty the Snowman.”
Lastly, because of his love for Handy Manny (and some prodding from his Nana), he now does his numbers in Spanish from 1-10 (I especially love “siete”). I keep encouraging this not only because of my background but because speaking Spanish REALLY will benefit him in the future!
He does something new every day and all of it amazes us!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Nothin's gonna’ derail this Motown train

I will say that it's always hard to trade away great, young prospects but they are called PROSPECTS for a reason. To get tried-and-true talent and have those new players not be that much older – what a wonderful deal! Dave Dombrowski, as usual, is a genius (and also is my hero). I wish he could take over the search for the next Michigan football coach!
With this deal done, the Tigers now look to be true contenders, right up there with the Yankees and the Red Sox. I hope more than anything that this deal is the final piece of the puzzle that will bring a World Series crown back to Motown!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Lucky number seven
Seven years ago right now, Kevin and I were at our wedding reception watching our guests play their own music and mix their own drinks. It was a wonderful day and I can’t believe we’ve been married for seven years! My sister just sent me this e-card, which is freakin' hilarious. It did, however, make me think about how far we’ve come. It hasn’t always been easy and we’ve had some dark times but we’ve held it together and I can see us being married for 70 years. We always said we would remember to truly celebrate days like today but that was before Harmon came along. Tonight, we just decided to have dinner at Cottage Inn – the place we had our rehearsal dinner – and it was perfect. Harmon was an angel and the food was awesome and it just made me think that, in the end, it’s not about big gifts and fancy dinners. It’s about being together and enjoying each other. Kevin, I love you so much. As I always tell you, you are my prince charming, the man that made all my dreams come true. I would marry you one thousand times over – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Salt in the wound
To pile on what is already a disaster of epic proportions (I honestly can’t even talk about it without feeling sick to my stomach), Michigan gets to be a practice squad for Florida in the Capital One Bowl (awesome, ANOTHER bowl loss). Tim Tebow will be able to show the Heisman voters that his trophy indeed was well deserved as he and his Gators light up old man Carr’s team for, oh, about 40 points, AT LEAST. We are going to get SO OWNED by Florida in this game, it’s almost comical. The Michigan faithful will get yet another reminder of how far the once-proud program has fallen. And, after Florida opens up a can of whoop ass, all us Michigan fans will get to watch Ohio State (the team that totally OWNS us) play LSU (and the coach we should have had) for the National Championship – good times. Honestly, as a Michigan grad and fan, which team do you cheer for? As we used to say, back in our sports information days, it would be best if the stadium just blew up. If the Buckeyes win, well, it would be their second national championship in recent years and it would further widen the gap between the two programs. If LSU wins, it would be so painful to think about what could have been. A real Michigan Man beats Ohio State FINALLY but he does it as a Tiger instead of a Wolverine. God, this sucks SO, SO, SO BAD.
In just a few weeks, we’ll get our stupid invoice for the public seat licenses on our two season tickets. By the time it’s due, we’ll most likely have a shit head coach at the helm to continue the downward spiral of the Michigan football program. I’ve felt two things this year that I never thought I would feel. First, after one too many losses to Ohio State, I’m feeling a little envious, almost like it might be better to be a Buckeye than a Wolverine. Secondly, I’ve actually considered not renewing my season tickets. After following this team (and working for it) for so long, it’s so hard to handle what is happening. Thanks, Lloyd, for ruining the program and for providing some nice bookends for the 2007 season – at the beginning, we were the joke because of our historical loss to Appalachian State and, at the end, we're the joke because 1) we totally effed up the whole Les Miles thing and 2) the mere thought of us ATTEMPTING to play football against Florida just brought uproarious laughter to the entire studio of the ESPN bowl selection show.
OK, enough, please tell me when pitchers (especially Jordan Tata) and catchers report for Spring Training?
In just a few weeks, we’ll get our stupid invoice for the public seat licenses on our two season tickets. By the time it’s due, we’ll most likely have a shit head coach at the helm to continue the downward spiral of the Michigan football program. I’ve felt two things this year that I never thought I would feel. First, after one too many losses to Ohio State, I’m feeling a little envious, almost like it might be better to be a Buckeye than a Wolverine. Secondly, I’ve actually considered not renewing my season tickets. After following this team (and working for it) for so long, it’s so hard to handle what is happening. Thanks, Lloyd, for ruining the program and for providing some nice bookends for the 2007 season – at the beginning, we were the joke because of our historical loss to Appalachian State and, at the end, we're the joke because 1) we totally effed up the whole Les Miles thing and 2) the mere thought of us ATTEMPTING to play football against Florida just brought uproarious laughter to the entire studio of the ESPN bowl selection show.
OK, enough, please tell me when pitchers (especially Jordan Tata) and catchers report for Spring Training?
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