As much progress as there was on the potty, there was some regressing in the big boy bed department. Just as he was starting to go to sleep without getting out of bed, we spent five days in Peoria with him sleeping in an inflatable bed. When we got back home, we pretty much had to start all over again as he was getting out of bed four or five times before finally falling asleep. Now, after two weeks of the normal routine, he is doing well again. One step forward, two steps back, I guess.
OK, other things. He’s done great at day care this week, two straight drop offs without crying – we hope it stays that way. And, when we pick him up, we have a whole conversation with him about his friends and teachers and all that he did that day. We also finally got all his Geo Trax stuff set up. We needed more tracks and all surrounding Toys R Us stores were out of stock so we had to order them directly from Fisher-Price. They arrived Thursday and we got it all set up that night. He loves it. But, it’s a lot. I don’t think he’s going to be getting any other new toys anytime soon.
Like most two-year-olds, Harmon does some funny things. First, when we’re out and Kevin, God forbid, has to get out of the car to go in somewhere, Harmon acts like he’s going away to Egypt or something. He cries the entire time all while yelling “Daddy comes back!” It’s funny. Usually, I’ll have to turn on some Springsteen (specifically Magic or Livin’ in the Future) to settle him down. Speaking of the car, he’ll direct us to our respective chairs in the front and he gets confused when we switch.
He loves Isabel lately, and frequently asks to hold her. He’s even to the point where he’ll sometimes give her a little kiss on the head. He is very gentle with her and she seems not to hate it so much! I secretly think she loves it when he chases her!
In addition to the reading (my God, the reading), he now LOVES to look at all his old photo albums, especially the one that has photos of his first haircut and first birthday party. He also still loves music and he sings along more than ever. He has gotten more picky, though, and if he doesn’t like the song, he’ll say “no iff (this) one” or “no aff (that) one!”
When he’s sad or gets hurt, he’ll run to one of us and say “Mommy holds you” or “Daddy holds you.” We’ll always ask him “do you want Mommy or Daddy to hold you” so he just repeats us. He’ll figure out that pronoun thing eventually.
A few more quick things he says lately:
Helpacacopter (he has called helicopters “helpacas” for a while and now he’s trying to say it correctly but the old word won’t die easy).
Fool bus – “School” comes out “fool.”
How about (fill in the blank)? If he wants something, he’ll say “how about cars?” or, at lunch, for example, it’s “how about raisins?” It’s always how about something! But, almost all the time, he’ll say “please” first!
In the morning, he’ll say to his snow leopard stuffed animal, “Hi, snow leopard, what did you do today?”
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