I was working for Visteon Racing and traveled with a group of my co-workers to Cleveland for the Grand Prix of Cleveland. It was a fun weekend – we stayed at the Ritz-Carlton, Cleveland and spent way too much time at The Flats. My fun weekend ended once I went to bed on Saturday night. As I was falling asleep (during that weird time when you’re not quite asleep but you’re not quite awake either), someone entered my hotel room and began feeling around by the foot of my bed. At first, I thought maybe I was dreaming but, when I realized I wasn’t, I just laid there and remained as still as I could be. After what seemed like HOURS (and I’m sure it was only seconds), this person left the room. I then bolted up, CHAINED the door (if nothing else, I learned that night to ALWAYS chain the door) and sat there trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. My initial thought was that it was housekeeping maybe looking for something, like a maid looking for a lost earring. But then I thought, why would he/she have to enter my room in the middle of the night??? I also thought maybe there was some mix up at the front desk, my room was listed as vacant and someone else had a key to enter. But then, why would that person be monkeying around with my bed (not to mention, this type of thing is not supposed to happen at the RITZ)??? To this day, I have NO IDEA what happened that night but, every single time I think about it, I get the willies!
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