When Harmon was only an hour or so old, the nurse in the recovery room asked if it was OK for him to
have a pacifier. Kevin and I were fine with it thus his love affair with his “binky” began. Although I don’t ever think he was an excessive binky user, I was more than a little nervous about weaning him off of it. Right after his first birthday, he really cut down on the binky usage (using it only at night and during naps) and I thought it might go “bye bye” early. But, in the middle of January, he got
a bad case of bronchiolitis and really needed it. He still mainly used it to help him sleep but there also were a few times, here and there, when he specifically asked for it.
In my mind, I always had hoped to have him weaned by the time he was 18 months old. I figured if I let him go much longer with it, he would be five years old before he broke the habit! He must have read my mind because, in the last month, he has all but forgotten about his friend the binky. Although we gave it to him Saturday during the misery that was his haircut, he’s used it only one other time during the past month. So, as of Sunday, June 3, we’re calling it – the binky is dead!
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