Thursday, May 24, 2007


At Harmon's last well-child exam, the doctor asked us how many words he was saying. We were caught completely off guard as we gave up trying to keep track a long time ago! He says a TON of words, new ones each and every day (glad to know ALL the reading and talking are paying off). His newest thing has been to say, "Hi, Mama (or Dada)" and "Bye, bye, Mama (or Dada)." The other morning, when I got him out of his crib, he said "Bye, bye, bubbles" as we were leaving his room (of course in reference to the oversized plastic jelly beans I put on the tree outside his window at Easter – he refuses to accept the fact that they no longer are on the tree). I think he is so close to a sentence, it's so exciting!

In addition to the incessant talking, he loves to sing (and dance). His favorite nursery rhymes to sing along to include Old MacDonald; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Where is Thumbkin?; Baa Baa Black Sheep; and B-I-N-G-O. And, last night, when my cell phone rang, he started to sing the tune of "Hail to the Victors!" He also loves Take Me Out to the Ballgame and the music in the Hanson Windows and Empire Carpet commercials (weirdo). Any music, in fact, will get him going (well, except for country music – thank the good Lord)!

When he wants to rock out, he even knows how to turn on his Daddy's clock radio. He kept turning it on yesterday and doing this little headbanger motion to WRIF!

Harmon will get to share all his new tricks with his Grandpa and Grandma Bergquist who will be here for the holiday weekend. They haven’t seen him since Easter so he'll be especially entertaining!

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