On Friday, Harmon and I went to the mall to continue building his summer wardrobe. Kevin's Mom gave us some money to buy him some clothes so I wanted to make sure I had a few things in his closet before their upcoming visit (they'll be here Memorial Day weekend). We found some things and I think Harmon was bored by it all as he slept the entire time. After the mall, we met up with Kevin and made our way to Home Depot. We needed to make some decisions on trim, doors, ceiling tiles, faceplates, etc. for the basement (which Kevin and his Dad will work on during their visit). Earlier in the week, we finally purchased the paint so, with that decision out of the way, it was a little easier to decide on every thing else. As for the paint, Kevin let me have my way and we are painting our new basement family room Caramelized Orange (since Behr paint doesn't have any on-line paint swatches, the best way I can describe it is a burnt orange or Texas Longhorn orange). I can't wait for the room to be done!
On Saturday, our entire focus was getting Harmon's hair cut. His hair grows like crazy! So, we once again paid Laurie at Carnival Cuts $14 to cut the hair of a screaming, writhing 17-month old. It must be like trying to cut the hair of an thrashing octopus! He actually did much better than the last time, but only after she put Elmo on the TV and I sang the ABCs to him a billion times. Going through this every five or six weeks is exhausting for everyone involved but we don't want to buzz cut him just yet (although his cut is just one step away from that). We figure if we can get to his second birthday with him not looking like Mr. Buzzcut, we'll be OK. And, it's not that we're attached to his HAIR, it's just that he looks like a LITTLE BOY instead of a BABY when he gets his hair cut and that, quite frankly, makes us sad! As a reward for sitting through yet another haircut, he got an extra long wagon right Saturday evening. He just loves that wagon!
Yesterday, we finally got out to Comerica Park for our first Tigers' game of 2007 and the Cardiac Cats did not disappoint with a 4-3 win over the Twins! They won on a walk-off homerun from an unlikely source, Brandon Inge, and they needed the win to avoid getting swept for the first time this season. It was a fun game and Harmon, once again, was a very good boy. We stayed in our seats for the first three innings and then took Harmon on the carousel, which he loved. We then watched the last three innings as we strolled through the Comerica Park concourse and into the line for the Kids Run the Bases event. Since Harmon was getting tired, Kevin and I took turns walking around with him (while the other person held our place in line). In the line, you could see the game but, walking around, you really couldn't. Of course, Inge hit his homer when it was my turn to walk with Harmon so I didn't get to see it leave the bat. But the place was electric and we won and that was enough for me. As for the Kids Run the Bases, I think maybe we'll pass next time. There were so many kids and they were running so fast that I was afraid they would knock Harmon down so I picked him up and ran with him (which is allowed). He still had a great time – he screamed with joy the entire way because he thought all the kids were chasing him! I think maybe we'll try it again later this summer or next season when I KNOW he won't get steamrolled!
I love the picture with this post. After we ran the bases, everyone was able to take pictures on the field. As you can see, Harmon is peeking into the Tigers' dugout. God, I hope he loves baseball!
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