My Mom and Dad wanted to get him something special for Easter so they bought him this new awesome wagon (in addition to a ton of clothes – they can't stop spoiling him)! When I showed it to some people at work, they commented that it sure was different than the old, red metal Radio Flyer wagons!
We went for a walk with him in it for the first time Monday afternoon and he loved it! I think he likes being able to sit up and see everything. One thing we will have to do is bungee or tether any toys he takes along with him. On more than one occasion, I was chasing balls up and down the street after he fired them out. Of course, he thought this was hilarious!
Since we won't really get to celebrate Easter together at home, we've been getting Harmon a few things here and there. We got him his new chair and a lot of clothes for the spring and summer. We also need to get him some more books (all the kid wants to do is READ – I hope this isn't just a phase) and we thought about getting him this little push-along lawn mower so he can imitate Kevin when he's out mowing the lawn. There's also a fancier one with bubbles. I guess we'll see what Toys "R" Us has in stock.
One last Easter-related note – my Mom has been singing the Peter Cottontail song to him and she switched up the words a little:
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the bunny trail,
Hippity hoppity,
Easter's on its way
Bringing lots of toys for him
Toys for baby Harmon
Hippity hoppity,
Easter's on its way
It's really cute as he gets all excited about it and, when he tries to say "hippity hoppity," it's very funny. It comes out like "hop-pippy."
Hope ewe (ha, ha) all have a Happy Easter!
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