Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Halloween 2011

Mario Kart is kind of a big deal in this house. It’s the ONE thing they both love to do together and the ONE thing they both get so excited about. So, it was no surprise that they wanted to go as Mario and Luigi for Halloween.

On Halloween weekend, we surprised them with a trip to the Detroit Zoo Boo so they could give their costumes a dry run (minus the mustaches). They were so excited and had a great time! And, it really got them ready for Halloween!

On Halloween night, they inhaled their dinner so they could get right out there. And, as agreed, the sported the mustaches.

They were a hit at every house and brought home quite a haul! We had some candy, watched the Great Pumpkin and stayed up a little later than usual.

Once they were in bed, we talked about yet ANOTHER Halloween that came and went. Having November birthdays, Halloween was their last first holiday so, once it’s over, another year us upon us. I wish those Halloweens would quit coming quite so fast!

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