Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The elusive L

Simon speaks very well, probably better than Harmon did at the same age. He hears us talking all the time and just soaks it all up and spits it back out. Rare is it that we don't understand what he is saying. However, there is one letter, one elusive letter, that gives him trouble: L.

I have no idea why but he has trouble with Ls. The perfect example of this was a recent trip for ice cream. I asked him what he wanted and he said he couldn't decide between vaniwa or chocowit. I died. I love you is I wuv you. Legs are wegs. The lead teacher in his class is Ms. Felona but, to him, she's Ms. Fewama. It's kind of hilarious and I hope I remember how cute it is when, in no time at all, he's saying his Ls the right way.

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