Saturday, July 09, 2011

No longer napping 'Nators!

Many kids at school and many of my friends' kids gave up napping LONG AGO but Harmon has remained a good napper ... until now. I think once we hit June, he decided he would phase HIMSELF out of naps. The will still nap if he's up before 7 a.m. - like on school days - of if we're just riding in the car for a while, like on the weekends. He never could resist a car nap!

I suppose it's just as well because he won't get a nap in kindergarten. I think, though, that we'll have to put him to bed a bit earlier each night, at least in the beginning, just to make sure he's getting enough sleep. He's always really welcomed his naps and I hope Simon keeps on napping as long as Harmon has. It helps to have the house quiet, if only for an hour or so!

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