Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Art Fair 2011

Every year, we go to the Ann Arbor Art Fairs with the boys and we never really get to see all that we want. It's hard to do art with two crazy boys. So, after every year, Kevin and I say to each other "next year, we need to take an afternoon off and go by ourselves."

Well, this year, we finally did just that but it was hot as balls! Good God, was it HOT! We went on the first day and sweat more than we ever have in our lives BUT we saw the whole thing. We covered from Main Street to Church Street and that effort, with temps in the high 90s, was impressive. Unfortunately, we didn't see a whole lot that we liked so the only purchases made were for our Moms.

It was nice, though, to walk through town and just leisurely gaze at everything without worrying that Simon was going to grab something or Harmon was going to knock something down.

5-year-old and 2-year-old boys and art do not mix!

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