Wednesday, June 22, 2011


When I was pregnant with Harmon, we didn't want to find out what we were having. We figured it was life's last big surprise and we wanted to be surprised. Although we didn't know, we THOUGHT it was a girl, for sure. She was to be named Maizey Bryn Bergquist. I think I wanted a girl because, having two younger sisters, it was just what I was comfortable with. I honestly think Kevin didn't really care one way or another.

So, when Harmon was born and the doctor said "you have a baby boy," we quite honestly felt a little guilty and a little sad. Those feelings only lasted seconds, though, and then they gave Harmon to Kevin and Kevin brought him to see me. It was at that moment that I realized all the awesome things having a boy would bring! One of those things was baseball and you can't get to baseball without t-ball first. It's like crawling and walking before running.

Not that I ever wanted to hurry him in growing up (it goes fast enough) but I have been excited for t-ball since I first saw this perfect little face. The earliest he could start, in the Ann Arbor area, was the summer before kindergarten so he FINALLY had his first practice on June 1. It started off well, too. He was very excited to get out there and he got his team t-shirt - he's rocking the #2 (like Jeter). We've done a lot with him at home so I think this made it easier for him. He likes the hitting part so much more than the throwing and fielding part (he does live in an AL city, thus the DH rule) but we're working on it. I think the most important thing, though, is that after each practice and game, he's made it a point to thank me for signing him up for t-ball. This is something he's never done before and something I hope he's doing because he's having a great time. Having fun is half the battle and, if he keeps having fun, I'll have a good time seeing where this goes.

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