Monday, May 02, 2011

Getting a boost

Getting Simon in and out of his car seat has been a challenge lately so we took a look back through old blog entries and photos to see when we moved Harmon to his booster seat. Turns out it was right around 2 1/2 so, being that Simon is pretty much the same size Harmon was at that age, we went ahead and moved Simon too. His first ride in his new booster seat was Saturday, April 30. He seems to like it, mostly because it's just like the booster seat that Harmon has. I think his biggest beef is that he doesn't sleep as comfortably as he did in his car seat. That just means he'll have to take a nap when we ask him too instead of fighting it and then falling asleep in the car!
One minor problem, though. It didn't take him too long to figure out how to unbuckle himself. But, lucky for us (I think), Harmon is quite the tattle tail. We've made some adjustments but fully expect more backseat shenanigans with this pair.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Just want to say that Julia is still not tall enough for a booster at age 4.25 years old.