Thursday, May 19, 2011

The first of what we hope is MANY graduations!

Today Harmon graduated from pre-school at Annie's Children's Center! He's been at Annie's since February 2007, joining the kids there after our original daycare closed. Even though he was a little late in joining his classmates who had been there since their days as infants, he's had a good time and learned a lot from his fabulous teachers. We've been so happy with Annie's and while I didn't cry today, I know I will when he leaves for good after summer camp to start kindergarten. We will still have Simon at Annie's so he'll get to benefit from all those same wonderful things.

Kevin and I weren't sure what to expect today. We weren't sure how to dress him, weren't sure how the "ceremony" would go, weren't sure if we should plan a special day for him. We dropped him off at 9:30 p.m. so he could get "ready" with his classmates in their room. The parents then took their seats (the tiny pre-school seats, of course) in the Lightning Bug room - a great room with a stage and treehouse. We all chatted and waited and then, just after 10 a.m., the children had a procession into the room. They lined up in two rows on the stage and then the lead teacher - Miss Connie - gave us an intro and an overview of the "program." One by one the children came to the front to shake hands and receiver their "diplomas!" Miss Connie then asked each of them what they wanted to be when they grew up - Harmon's answer was "a firefighter!" There are about 20 or so kids in his class so they distributed diplomas to half the class and then sang some songs before finishing up. At first, all the children were awestruck with huge eyes looking out at a multitude of digital cameras and video cameras flashing and taping. But, as things progressed, they loosened up and did very well.

We were so proud of Harmon - he did a great job! He was very well behaved and did wonderfully when it was his time to come to the front (he can be rather shy so we were hoping he would be OK). After the program, there were treats with the highlight being Capri Suns - Harmon loves those.

Rather than taking him out to lunch or doing something special, he really wanted to stay at school. It was pizza day, which he loves, and he really just wanted to play with this friends. He was quick to tell us goodbye so he could get on with this day and I guess we should be happy about that. He only has so many days left with his friends at Annie's and we want him to enjoy them as much as possible. It's amazing to see all these children grow from babies to kindergartners-to-be before our eyes. It's been amazing for us with Harmon, amazing but much too fast. Congrats, little grad, we love you so much!

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