Friday, May 27, 2011


When Harmon was just over a year old, he had a reaction to eggs. He had eaten some scrambled eggs and then threw up a little and started itching his eyes like crazy. Since that time, we've steered away from giving him straight eggs (he CAN have eggs baked into things like cookies, cake, etc.). After the great cashew disaster in the summer of 2009, we went to the allergist to have him tested and he showed an allergy to tree nuts, eggs and fish. The allergist explained that he would always be allergic to tree nuts, might grow out of the fish allergy and most likely would grow out of the egg allergy.

So, a few weeks ago, we decided to test her theory. On a yucky Sunday morning, we got up and made a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast, juice, etc. We were a little nervous about it but decided to go for it and give Harmon some scrambled eggs. He was skeptical as well - he's very in tune with his allergies - but he ate the eggs ... and he was just FINE! He was excited and we were excited! Since then, he's had eggs a few more times without any reaction. I think we can safely say that he's no longer allergic to the incredible edible egg!

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