Tuesday, January 25, 2011

26 months

At 26 months, Simon is a pretty cool little dude. He's always on unless he's sleeping. If he's not talking incessantly (paragraphs just easily flow out of his mouth), he's screaming (always been a screamer) or playing with cars or reading or sparring with his brother. These two have a bond I don't understand - a love/hate relationship. One minute, they are playing together just fine. The next minute, they're hitting each other and screaming. I'm going to choose to believe this will get better. Another thing about Simon, he's a climber and he is into everything. It's not uncommon for him to end up on the kitchen counter or to have pushed his Little Tykes table over to Isabel's cage so he can climb on top of it and retrieve all the toys we've intentionally stored there out of his reach. He does things I don't think Harmon ever even considered. He'll be the kid that ends up in the school office for who knows what and we'll love him anyway!

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