Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Simon Says

Simon's language is amazing. We thought Harmon was a wordsmith at that age but Simon has really benefitted from having all three of us talking to him nonstop. He has certain words or phrases that he loves and he's forming full sentences by the second. Here are some language highlights from the last few months:

Whatbookawant - what Simon says when he's reviewing his library for something good to read when going potty.

Freight Train - one of the books that he typically chooses. He loves tunnels so he digs the page where the train goes through the tunnel. There also is a page where the train goes over a trestle. I'm a little concerned that Simon says "trestle" so well, especially when you think about it this way - Coach Tressel.

Michigan Wolverines - another book he likes. Simon has taken to the Michigan stuff quicker than Harmon ever did (despite his name being Harmon). He says "Michigan" when he sees the block M on our t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. and he yells out "Go Blue" everytime we drive by the stadium. So, it's no surprise he loves this book about the Wolverines beating those Buckeyes. I wish real life imitated this particular art more!

On the occassion that we find ourselves listening to 97.1 (a rarity, these days), Simon would yell out "97.1, the ticket!"

While Harmon has taught his little brother many good things, there is one particular word that Harmon passed on to him that just thrills us (note the sarcasm) - buttcrack. I don't know WHY that word is the word he picked up on and I don't know WHY it's so fun to say but he can't get enough. In the beginning, it was crazy. No matter what we did, he would NOT stop saying it. It's gotten better lately, though, and now he mixes it in at odd times. He'll say "butt" and then pause a while and finish with "crack." Or, he make it into a song. I guess there ARE worse words but still - it's not fun to have him screaming that at school OR at Target.

I wanna' go back home - this is Simon's default phrase. No matter where we are or what's going on, he'll pull out "I wanna' go back home" if he's uncomfortable, bored, tired or getting reprimanded for something. The funniest thing is when he says it when we're already AT HOME.

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