Saturday, September 25, 2010

Simon @ 22 months

Simon had a big month filled with many milestones. A lot more talking and a lot of filling in the blanks when we're reading. He says "please" and "thank you" and "no thanks" - such a polite young man. He loves "mar-mallows" and "roni and cheese!" He will tell Harmon "no bite," "no hit," "no fight" and all kinds of other things as he's learning to defend himself against his big brother. While he stopped using his binky during the day back in the summer, he finally gave it up all together around Labor Day.

On Sept. 4, while at my parents' house, he climbed out of his pack and play and, just a little over a week later (Sept. 13), he climbed out of his crib. He woke up early and I gave him some books to read while Kevin and I got ready for work. While Kevin was in the bathroom shaving, Simon came rambling down the hallway. Kevin thought I let him out but I didn't. I was back in my bathroom doing my hair while he scaled his crib. He's not done it a lot since then but we are in discussion about when to move him to his toddler bed.

He's been getting much better at the potty too, going at least once a day and sometimes more. One sad development, though, is that he no longer likes to be rocked to sleep everynight. Most of the time, the minute you sit down with him, he says "crib, crib" and wants to hop right in, curl up and go to sleep. Once in a while, though, he'll fall asleep on you and leave a huge drool spot and it makes you feel like he's a baby again.

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