The boys also had a great time when we dusted off my old Wrangler and took the top down. We drive it a couple of times each week but we haven't taken the top down in YEARS. We thought, though, that the boys would love it so we drove, open air, to our favorite ice cream place (Mickey's Dairy Twist) in Saline. They had a great time and now Simon can't walk by the Wrangler without yelling out "Jeep, Jeep!"
This past month, Simon also made his first trip to the Big House! We made a donation to C.S. Mott Children's Hospital back in the spring and part of it was four tickets to a fall scrimmage. The scrimmage was the same day as the Dream Cruise so Harmon went with my parents (and had a GREAT time) and Simon came with us. It was rainy and we weren't allowed to take Simon's water, Cheerios, etc. with us (lame stadium rules in effect) but it turned out OK. It was great to see the team up close and personal and it was awesome to walk Simon through that historic tunnel (he loves tunnels)!
The only bummer of the past month was that Simon go bit AGAIN at school. This was the third time - once on the arm and two on the back (one on each shoulder blade). Evidently, there are two serial biters in his class that are now being "shadowed." Here's hoping there's no more biting in the coming weeks, months, etc.
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