I love baseball so, to me, a perfect game is the highest achievement in sports. To retire 27 straight batters without a walk, a hit, an error – it’s an amazing feat. It’s a feat that gives me chills when I think about it and it doesn’t even matter who is doing it. BUT, on this night, it was a Tigers pitcher doing it, Galarraga doing it.
Galarraga was recalled from Toledo on May 16. I was out for a run that Sunday and decided to listen to the pre-game show during my run. Dan Dickerson was talking about Galarraga getting the start against the Red Sox. He mentioned that Galarraga was upset about being left off the 25-man roster and claimed he was a Major League pitcher. Tigers manager Jim Leyland told him if that was the case he was going to have to prove it. He proved it that day as he beat the Red Sox 5-1. His next start wasn’t so good as he lost 6-4, giving up all 6 runs, to the Dodgers. His next start, his next chance to prove it – last night.
OK, so, from the 6th inning on last night, I paced and paced and paced. I paced for the rest of the 6th inning as well as the entire 7th and 8th innings. All this pacing while we’re supposed to be getting the boys ready for bed – one day, they’ll understand! And that brings us to the 9th inning. And, with the first batter, I thought the whole damn thing was over but Austin Jackson made an amazing catch in deep left center field. The second batter, an easy groundout to shortstop. 26 straight outs and one to go for perfection.
Here it is!
And … it’s all gone. Just like that. All gone.
Everyone in the world, including umpire Jim Joyce, knows it was a terrible call. HOW do you miss this?

I can't stop thinking about Galarraga's reaction. He starts to raise him arms and smile and then ... UGH. He misses out on being the 21st pitcher in MLB history and the first Tigers pitcher EVER to throw a perfect game all because Joyce blew the call. At least Joyce owned it, which is way more than I think anyone expected from an umpire, and Galarraga came out looking like the classiest dude in baseball.
Galarraga was robbed of making history and all those watching – in person and at home in our living rooms – were robbed of witnessing history. It’s a shame. A terrible shame and while I don’t think Major League Baseball will change the call, maybe at least they’ll change the game by instituting some type of instant replay so this doesn’t happen again.
Even though the record books won’t reflect it, EVERYONE knows Armando Galarraga was perfect on June 2, 2010!

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