Monday, November 16, 2009

Harmon’s special day

On Harmon’s 4th birthday, we thought we should spend a special day with just him. So, we sent Simon to school and celebrated our day o’ Harmon. We began by dropping off cookies Harmon had made for his classmates. They thanked him by singing happy birthday and quizzing him on what he was going to do the rest of the day. It was very sweet to see them all interacting together in that classroom setting – something we normally don’t get to see.

After cookies, we headed to Kerrytown for a trip to a very cool toy store called Mudpuddles. There he played for a long time with everything that was on display, including a wooden marble run. While I thought he might one (we didn’t – marbles and one-year-olds don’t mix), he chose a very cool floor puzzle with emergency and construction vehicles as his special gift. It was then about lunch time so we drove over to Pizza House for pizza and Harmon’s favorite – cinnamon bread sticks.

Lunch then was followed by his first trip to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum. We’ve meant to go 1,000 times before but it just never worked out. I’m glad, though, that we chose to go on a special occasion so he will always remember it. The special exhibit when we visited was Bob the Builder and he had a great time with it! We then made it through the rest of the museum and he loved every part of that too. The ambulance, the bubble machines and the very cool ball popper were probably his favorite things!

After a great afternoon at the museum, we scooped up Simon and headed home. Again, we knew his official party was coming over the weekend but we did get cupcakes to close out the day. I think he liked his special day and I hope we can continue to do that for both boys as they get older. It’s nice for them, at least one day out of the year, to have our undivided attention and have everything be about them!

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