He's one. He's crawling (on all fours for the first time on Nov. 10) and pulling up and cruising and saying Mama and busting out teeth left and right (seventh tooth - top and to the left of his front tooth - poked through on Oct. 29) and even getting haircuts.
He's one. He's still snuggly ... but not for long. He has too much to explore.
He's one. He's almost done with Enfamil and bottles forever, which, despite the cost of formula, makes me a little sad.
He's one. He pretty much eats what we eat now and, as Kevin always says, he'll be eating a whole steak next week. I guess that's why he never liked that baby food much!
He's one, even though he looks way bigger. Official stats - 24 1/2 pounds and 32 1/2 inches long. For comparison, Harmon was a little over 28 pounds and was about 33 inches long. So, while he's a little lighter, he's almost as tall. In short, big boys.
He's one and his first birthday falls during the Thanksgiving rush, which is bad and good. Bad because it gets lost in the shuffle. Good because it's an even bigger reminder of how thankful we are for him.
It's amazing that I thought I couldn't love another child as much as I love Harmon. I worried about that a lot while I was pregnant and Kevin would always tell me I was crazy. I guess I WAS crazy because all it took was one look at Simon and I was in love again, and, one year later, I love him even more!
Happy birthday, Simon!