Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ring my bell

Last night, when we all were playing in the basement, Simon busted out his fastest army crawl toward the exercise room/playroom. Of course, as evidenced here, Harmon can’t handle this. So, in an effort to prevent Simon from touching his precious toys, he stormed by him and crashed right into one of the exposed basement poles. The impact knocked him to the ground and the sound was that of a dinner bell ringing (I still can hear it). By the time Kevin got to him, he was up on his feet but we quickly had to wrestle him back to the ground to put some ice on the already-developing bump (oh and he HATES ice). I think we caught it in time because the welting and the bruising, fortunately, weren’t bad at all.

All this bell ringing, though, got us to thinking that we’re REALLY going to have to do something about those poles as Simon learns to walk. The basement wasn’t finished when Harmon first started walking so we never had to worry about it then. Now, though, we need to come up with a plan – quickly – or we’ll have to wrestle two kids to the ground for ice treatments.

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