Harmon doesn't always like to eat his dinner, or go to bed, or, for that matter, get out of bed on school mornings. But, one thing he does, without fail, is accompany me to Kroger. It may seem simple, but one of our special times together is when we have father-son time at the grocery store.
There was a time when he would tell me which Kroger to go to (the one "by the stadium" is actually Westside, while the one "by our house" is actually just that -- nearby on Carpenter Road). Once there, we are a machine. Now, just ask Aimee, I love me some lists. I write lists on everything, so, of course, I bring my list to Kroger. But, Harmon seems to always know what we need.
First, no matter what entrance we go through, he insists on running to get this yogurt. Then, it varies from pretzels to Pop-tarts to bread to fruit. But, one thing he loves to do is to carry the next item we pick up. It never fails: he could be walking down the aisle with a bag of "chester" (Chessman) cookies, and if I stop and get more applesauce, he has to carry that. Heck, I could pick out a 40-pound bag of charcoal and Harmon would strap it to his back if it meant he could carry it around the store for a while.
When we head to the checkout, Harmon will take the last item that has now become his best friend and hand it to the checkout clerk. But, they must scan it right then and there and hand it back to him in its own bag. If not, he will let them know.
Lately, he has loved taking quarters and buying things out of the gumball machines at the entrances to the stores. Hard to believe most of those things are $1 now. But, I did feed Donkey Kong and Crazy Climber machines when I was younger, so I am happy to give him quarters.
Overall, we have fun together and it makes the chore of grocery shopping more fun. I tell him I always enjoy my trips to Kroger with my buddy!