ANYWAY, because of all the eating, and subsequent growing, we had to move him to the next car seat. He finally outgrew his carrier – our trip to Chicago was his last time in it – so on Monday, July 13, he got to ride in his big, comfy seat. This move to the next car seat also allowed us to ditch the matching stroller and bust out the Jeep stroller, which we like SO MUCH BETTER.
While he hasn’t sprouted any more teeth to help with the food, lots of other things have been going on with the mouth. He has had a “dada” explosion and loves to blow raspberries. The scream pterodactyl scream subsided for a few weeks and then returned but along with it came a lot more babbling and gurgling. He sometimes sounds like the singing Gizmo from Gremlins when he gurgles! He is ticklish in the rib area on both sides and, if you get him at a good time, he’ll laugh really hard. He laughs a lot and is happy most of the time, especially in the morning even when he wakes up full of pee. Just like his brother, he seems to prefer rolling to crawling. If you put him on the floor, he is gone in a flash, especially if Harmon’s cars are anywhere in the general vicinity. And, speaking of Harmon, Simon is SO IN LOVE with his big brother. No matter what is going on, once he hears or sees Harmon he is locked on him. Seeing them like this is something so sweet that I can’t even come close to putting it into words!
He’s finally adjusted to school and is doing very well. He plays and talks and the word on the street is that he loves to body paint. And, one last note, as of eight months, his eyes are still blue, which CONTINUES to baffle us. We’ll see if there’s a change in month #9!
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