Sunday, May 11, 2008

Like mother, like son

During the first two years of Harmon's life, Aimee often was bummed because everyone kept saying how he looks like his Daddy, or does things just like his Daddy did at the same age. Well, things have turned recently, and not only are more people saying Harmon looks more like his Mommy, he also is acting like her more and more every day. So, in honor of Mother's Day 2008, here is a list of the Top 10 ways Harmon is Mommy Jr.:

1. He loves chips and breadsticks. We figure he is at least 30 percent tortilla chip anyway, given his frequent trips to El Taco Loco when he was still in Mommy's bellly.

2. He constantly changes sleeping positions. Harmon is an octopus in his bed. His arms flail all over the place, and rarely does he end the night on his stomach. We often find his arms intertwined in his bed posts, and he has been known to completely switch ends of his bed during the night.

3. He is, in a word, orderly. Although the living room at the end of the day may show otherwise, Harmon loves order. He often lines his cars up in perfect rows, and if you accidentally kick one or nudge one out of place, hell hath no fury like jerking with Harmon's parking lot.

4. He appears to be a worrier. Mommy worries about everything, and often Harmon does the same. They share the same brown eyes, as well as the real estate above -- a wrinkled brow. He mostly is a very happy baby, but there are times he is, like Mommy, concerned.

5. His eyes are Mommy's. As mentioned in No. 4, Harmon shares the same big, brown eyes as Aimee. Early on, when Harmon looked like Daddy, ate like Daddy, played like Daddy, he always shared the eyes with Mommy.

6. He hates to be alone. Like, Mommy, Harmon needs human contact. If you leave to go to another room, he often is only seconds behind. And, two of his favorite phrases of late are, "Where Mommy go?" or "Where Daddy go?" Even if we have been there, literally, the entire time he has.

7. He is shy. Harmon talks a big game, but often when he gets around other people he clams up. He is better with kids his age, and women (that's my boy!).

8. He loves to swing. As Grandma can attest, Harmon loves to go to the park. And swing. And swing. He used to like to go down the slides more than swing, but lately it has been swing, swing, swing. Daddy can't do it because of his motion sickness.

9. He dances and sings. And sings. And sings. From an early age, Harmon has loved to sing and dance. He sings all kinds of songs, from lullabies to nursery rhymes, and often dances to the same songs. He also loves to sing and dance to commercials. An early favorite was 800-588-2300, Empire! Now it is

10. Last, but certainly not least, he LOVES to read. He basically has been reading from the day he was born, but every night we read four books to him, and he often goes into his room alone to read books. Mommy reads lots of books, too. Daddy is another story. As Mommy says, Daddy has a hard time making it through a brochure.

So, while Harmon is a lot like his Daddy, as you can read from this list, his is Mommy's boy, too.

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