Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Booty hurt, booty hurt!

Harmon is never shy about telling anyone about his ailments. If he has even the smallest boo-boo on his hand, or other body parts, he will point to it and tell you all about it five times a day. So, when he told us a few times over the weekend that "my booty hurts," we thought maybe it was just raw or that he had a slight diaper rash. Well, on Saturday he developed a small boil near the top of his little crack, and it kept getting harder and more red. He obviously was agitated by it as the weekend went on. We called the doctor and he wanted to see Harmon. There are a lot of "bugs" going around, and they wanted to make sure it was not something serious, like the Super Bug. The boil was coming to a head, so with Aimee and I helping to hold him down (it felt like we were riding a bull), the doctor drained it last night. Harmon cried so hard, but overall was a good patient. We have to keep an eye on the incision over the next few days to make sure it is healing OK. After wiping his tears, Harmon warmed up to a fire truck sticker from the nurse, and was back to his usual self by the time we hit the parking lot. He told us, "My booty feels better," and "I want to go to the park." He crashed hard about 8 last night, and as of 7:15 this morning, he was was still sawing logs.

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