Today, Harmon is 29 months old. Kevin and I best describe things as steady. He is growing and always learning something new but we haven’t had any major milestones in the past month.
Now that it’s finally getting warmer, his love affair with the park has blossomed again. We’ve gone almost every day this past week until today when it was in the 40s and rainy. He has such simple demands – swings and slides!
When we’re INSIDE the house, we continue to work on potty training. He is wearing the Pampers Feel ‘n Learn training pants a lot when we’re at home and I think he’s getting the hang of it. We’re also starting to transition him into his booster seat and out of his high chair for meals. He seems ready, especially after having breakfast on the bar stool with my Mom last Wednesday, And, speaking of eating, he has been eating (and sleeping) a ton lately so we suspect he’s going through yet another growth spurt.
School has been going well, with the exception of four of Harmon’s older classmates moving up to the next “grade.” We were a little sad as these four kids have been with Harmon since he started at Annie’s but he seems fine with it. He has AWESOME teachers and he’ll see his old friends again soon, I’m sure. One thing we love so much about Harmon’s school is the art and the music. I have a binder full of all his art work (I swear we bring something home each week) and we always can tell when he’s had music time as he sings all night after we pick him up. His class recently learned to sing “Happy Birthday” so we put him to work singing to my Dad earlier this month. He loves to sing and will just sit and sing several songs on his own, all the way through. I hope his love for music continues to grow.
In addition to music, he also LOVES numbers. When I picked him up from school on Thursday, the teacher told me he went potty so he got to choose a sticker. He told her he wanted a #6 sticker and then showed her which one it was. She said she was so impressed because she had NO IDEA he knew all of his numbers (it’s nice to hear when you’re doing something right). He has magnetic numbers on the fridge that he loves to play with and has a numbers puzzle that he does a few times each night. He also loves his “Here Come the 123s” CD/DVD and he counts everything he can get his hands on. He likes his letters too and knows them almost as well but he’s really into the numbers. A typical boy, I guess.
The numbers puzzle is just one of several puzzles that he’s into lately. He also has letters, shapes, emergency vehicles and animals and he loves to play with all of them each night. He’s still into his cars as well as his Lego’s – some things are timeless.
One thing that has been very sweet to watch is the development of Harmon’s relationship with Isabel. He notices her so much more now and, now that she knows he’s not going to hurt her, she’ll let him come up to her and pet her. If she’s in a really good mood, they’ll even have a game of chase. He’s very gentle with her and she seems happy to have the attention. He’ll even go so far as to give her some of his Kix or Cheerios when he’s having breakfast. Food is such a strong bond!
Lastly, we’ve noticed that Harmon LOVES to dwell on his “booboos” FOREVER. If he gets a bump or a scratch, he will milk it for weeks! He loves the attention that accompanies a booboo, whether it’s in the form of some TLC or just a little Neosporin!