Thursday, July 19, 2007

Searching for "buckas"

Ever since Harmon found his belly button, his love for all-things-belly-button has grown stronger by the day. He looks for our belly buttons all the time and, as I've mentioned in previous posts, wants to know where everyone else's is too. He also looks for belly buttons on all his stuffed animals as well as his talking, dancing Elmos and is confused when he doesn't find any.

But, yesterday, when he was with my Mom, he managed to find ONE of his toys that DOES have a "bucka," as he calls it. He brought his big blue ball (which he's pictured with above) to my Mom, pointed to the air hole and yelled "bucka!" When we got home from work, he was excited to tell us all about it too. He then spent much of the night finding the "buckas" on all his other toy balls. So glad he could satisfy his addiction to the belly button!

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