1. Mall trips
Before Harmon was born, Kevin and I used to go to the mall all the time. We would go for a few minutes or a few hours, depending on the task at hand. I could look at clothes or perfume or purses or whatever for as long as I wanted. Once Harmon was born, this all ended. Now, every time we’re at the mall and I try to look at ANYTHING for ME, Harmon decides that it just can’t happen. All attention must be focused on him – we must be at BABY GAP, not GAP!
2. Dinner
Dinner used to be a fun time for me and Kevin. In fact, the entire time we lived in our apartment at Pendleton Park, we used our dining room table ONCE. Our typical routine was to gather our yummy food and plant ourselves in front of the TV for a long, long time! These days, after battling with Harmon to ingest JUST A FEW PEAS, we end up eating a truncated, cold dinner. And, to add to the inconvenience, we also have to perform lots of musical numbers to get through whatever meat item we’re attempting to feed to Harmon that night!
3. Baggage
God, I SO miss leaving the house without a 40-pound diaper bag, various toys, a sippy cup, a stroller and God only knows what else. What happened to the days of wallet, keys, sunglasses, gone???
4. Night baseball games
Kevin took me to the Indians-Tigers game on May 27. It was the first night baseball game we’ve been to since the 2005 All-Star Game. Even though the Tigers stunk up the place that night (and on ESPN Sunday Night Baseball, no less), it was so awesome to be at the ballpark at night. Actually, to me, there are few things in life as awesome as a gorgeous summer night under the lights at the old ballpark! I know this will change as Harmon gets older but, until then, I miss this so much!
5. Opening night of movies
We really wanted to see Knocked Up when it opened a couple of weeks ago and, in the past, we would have just up and went. But, that’s not how it works anymore. We’ll probably still see it, but at a matinee when it’s convenient for my parents to watch Harmon. Matinees are fine and actually Kevin and I have been able to see quite a few movies thanks to my Mom and Dad. But, I do miss heading to the theater on that opening Friday night!
Ah, parenthood!
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