Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Socks and slippers

Last night, as it was nearing bath time, I stripped Harmon down to his onesie and let him play around for a bit. After I stripped him, I folded up his dirty clothes and put them in a little pile as he crawled all over Kevin like he was a jungle gym. Once he got bored, which took about two seconds (he definitely got Daddy's attention span – damn it), he went over to his pile of clothes and grabbed his socks and slippers. He then crawled into his little chair and attempted, for about five minutes, to put his socks and slippers on his chubby little feet. It was the cutest thing even though we had to watch him out of the corner of our eyes in an effort not to interrupt. I wished we would have had the video camera but I knew getting up to get it would have disrupted him. So, we just had to sit, watch and enjoy. We just love little moments like this!

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