Monday, March 26, 2007


As Harmon neared the 15-month mark, we slowly moved him from his baby bathtub into the regular bathtub. He wasn’t at all happy about it so I spent an afternoon at Target buying a bunch of stuff to make his bathing experience more pleasant. I bought some balls, of course, which really helped and I bought some bubbles. I didn’t think the bubbles would make a damn bit of difference but they have become his favorite part of bath time. When it nears time for his bath, he sits near the bathroom door and says “bubbles” many, many times – it’s very cute!

Bubbles also have permeated other parts of his daily goings on. I have a set of large plastic jelly beans that I bought to hang from our Japanese Maple tree, if it ever warms up around here, and he is obsessed with these things. They are bright and colorful so naturally he wants to play with them. I’ve had to hide them in the linen closet because he's nearly impaled himself on our baker’s rack a dozen times trying to get to them. Every time I open the closet to get a towel or washcloth, he sees them and makes a beeline for the door. If I manage to get the door closed before he gets there, he’ll just sit there and cry “bubbles, bubbles” for a few minutes. I shouldn’t laugh but it’s hilarious!

BREAKING NEWS: It was damn near 80 degrees today so we finally hung the jelly beans (or bubbles, as Harmon calls them) from the tree. Glad we got it done before Easter or that would have defeated the whole purpose!

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