Before the Thursday gorging began, we attempted to take Harmon to see Santa on Wednesday. I had this "great" idea to take him to the fancy Santa at Somerset but that turned out to be a bad idea. When we got there, there was a FIVE-HOUR WAIT to see Mr. Fancypants Santa. Totally ridiculous! So, I got mad and we left (in my huff, I totally forgot to check out the new North Face store – damn, maybe next time). Anyway, we thought we would try Twelve Oaks Mall since it was on our way home (and we didn't want to waste the whole day). But, since everyone apparently was thinking the same thing I was, there was a huge wait there too. So, no Santa for Harmon yet (we might try to go this Friday morning).
We did get some shopping done and, more importantly, got Harmon his first haircut. We went to Carnival Cuts inside Twelve Oaks and, as usual, he was such a good boy. There was this little boy just before him who was wailing and it scared me but Harmon was fine. We put him on the horse and the stylist did the quickest hair cut I've ever seen. When she was done, he looked so cute … and so grown up. She recommended we part his hair the other way (oops) and suggested we get some baby hair gel stuff to handle the flyaway parts. The stuff is made for kids and smelled like blueberries and he didn't seem to mind it so we bought it (it looks like a little glue stick).
He showed off his big boy haircut at Thanksgiving and was the hit of the party. Everyone wanted to hold him and play with him and he handled all the attention really well. He was very well behaved but didn't nap so Kevin and I thought we might have a long night ahead of us. He did have a bit of a meltdown when we got home – overstimulation, I think – but went right to bed. As an aside, my Uncle Max outdid himself with the Thanksgiving feast this year. Everything was SO good, especially the stuffing!
On Friday, we put up some Christmas decorations – especially our outside ones – and ran some errands. On Saturday, I got my hair cut (thank God) and Kevin went to my Uncle Max's to spec out a new computer. He was there for a few hours and it paid off as we finally ordered one. Now, we'll be able to do new, cutting-edge things like … burn DVDs!
Since it's been unseasonably warm around here (50s and even some 60s), we went for a long walk on Sunday. We took Harmon to the park to swing on the swings and he had a great time. It's been a while so he DID NOT want to leave!
This week is a pretty normal week. Kevin is off with me and Harmon on Friday, so that will be fun. Also, on Saturday, Kevin and I will hopefully find some way to celebrate our sixth anniversary. I can't believe we've been married for six freakin' years – wow!