Monday, May 22, 2006


Well, we recovered from that nasty stomach flu in time to host Kevin’s parents for the weekend. They arrived late Thursday afternoon and left late Monday morning. Although they were warned about the all-powerful baby germs ever present in the house, they were brave enough to make the trip anyway. However, they were not spared! Both Kevin’s parents spent most of Saturday in bed fighting off the stomach flu. They were the latest in the outbreak my sister speaks of!

Before the sickness hit on Saturday, Kevin and I were able to make our first visit to a theater since January and we chose to see The Da Vinci Code. Although neither of us read the book (it is on my list of books to read and I’ll be getting it from my sister soon), we really enjoyed it. Unlike most other Catholics, we didn’t find a problem with it at all but maybe that’s because we’re pretty cynical Catholics in the first place. It was very entertaining, which is usually the reason we go to see movies anyway, so it all works out. During the previews (which I think is the part I miss most about going to the theater), we got a sneak peak at that soon to be box office smash (yeah, right) Miami Vice. Evidently, we weren’t the only ones who thought it looked stupid as the guy a few rows behind us yelled out, “Oh hell no.” Too funny!

Kevin took a few days off before starting his new job on Tuesday. So, I decided to join him on Monday and we spent the day on campus. We’ve been meaning to do this but it just hasn’t worked out. It was a bit chilly today but it was beautiful outside so we made a go of it. Plus, we were scouting out some possible locations for Harmon’s six-month pictures. We had a great time and it was nice for us to be together as a family after a long weekend. With Kevin’s new job, we’re not sure when we might get another weekday to do that kind of thing!

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