Today was Opening Day for my beloved Detroit Tigers! There is much rejoicing in Motown as the Tigers started the season 5-0, the best start since 1985, before dropping the last two (including today's game--ugh). Being a Tigers' fan over the last decade or so has been rough. However, there are few things I love more than Tigers' baseball and evidence of that is not missing an Opening Day since 1998. In fact, thinking back, I've been to 9 of the past 11 Opening Days and, when not there in person, I've been planted in front of the TV for the big game since I was a freshman in college (1992). Of course, all this history made missing this year's Opening Day even harder. Kevin tried to get tickets via Ticketmaster and we've had luck every other year but this one. He also tried a few ticket brokers but, with a new baby and all, we don't have the same amount of disposable income to fork over this year. We also entered every contest imaginable but it just wasn't meant to be. And, I was SO disappointed in not being able to attend IN PERSON that I didn't even think ahead to take the day off anyway and watch with Kevin and Harmon. So, I was stuck at work. Of course, it was 60 degrees and sunny out - perfect baseball weather! I remember so many Opening Days past, like when Comerica Park opened in 2000, when I was in layer upon layer of clothing topped off by my HUGE winter coat. All in all, not fair.
In other news, we're actively on the hunt for a video camera. We've been casually looking since the fall but, now that Harmon is nearly five month's old, we figured we should get our act together before he's off to college. So, we've been at Circuit City a million times a week (we should just sleep in the back somewhere) trying to decide which one we want, what we should get with it, etc. We made another stop there yesterday when we were out for our walk and, I think, we've targeted one we like. While Kevin was asking the sales associate all kinds of questions, Harmon grew bored. I then engaged him in a lively game of peek-a-boo and I'm sure everyone in the store thought I was crazy. I didn't care, though, as our little game produced an extreme amount of giggles from the little man! It was so fun and he was so sweet and, damn it, I wish I would have caught it all on video. Maybe one day!
Last Wednesday, my Mom bought Harmon the Bumbo Baby Seat. Kevin and I have seen it before but weren't ready to pay $40 for it (we felt $40 in Enfamil was money better spent). But, my Mom decided he had to have it! Good thing too because, as you can see, he loves it. I think he likes to sit up like a big boy even though he's not quite ready to do so on his own just yet. Whatever makes him happy!
And, just before getting the Bumbo, he got his first pair of cool shades! My best friend, Betsie, has a sister (Sarah) who had a baby (Matthew) a week or so after Harmon was born. Betsie was visiting Sarah and Matthew in Colorado last month and sent along some pictures. Little Matthew was all dressed up for skiing and looked so cute, especially with his little sunglasses (called Baby Banz). So, I had to have them for Harmon! He doesn't hate them so much!
The Easter bunny will visit on Sunday and we'll be in Peoria visiting Kevin's family. Since Harmon's not old enough to figure all this stuff out yet, he got a few "early" Easter presents. We filled his little Easter basket with teething apparatuses and 7-18 month binkies. He also got some summer clothing and an awesome new toy for the car--the Baby Einstein Move and Go Music Mirror. And, just to make this clear, I did not buy it from evil Wal-Mart but instead from Babies R' Us. This was just the best picture I could find.
OK, that is all! Happy Easter everyone!
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