This past Monday, I went back to work. After being off with Harmon for three magical months, I finally had to crawl out of bed with him, take a shower and join the working world again (albeit 80 percent time instead of full time). Although there were some long days early on, those three months went by WAY TOO FAST! And, as Monday, Feb. 6 (ironically, my Mom’s birthday) approached, I was miserable – crying at no particular time for no particular reason. Although Kevin and I have worked out a pretty good schedule, day care still is involved. Here is how our week worked (and will work) for the foreseeable future:
Kevin worked from 7 a.m. until noon and I worked from 12:30-5:30 p.m. So, Harmon was with at least one of us the whole day. On Monday, Kevin spent six hours with Harmon – the most time he’s ever spent with him alone. As I left for work that day, Kevin said dinner would be ready when I came home. I laughed! Little did he know! Of course, when I got home, there was no dinner. Not that I cared, it just was funny!
We both worked 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. so it was off to dreaded day care for Harmon. We decided to both go to drop him off the first day and I managed to hold it together – for a while. The teacher was alternating between giving me hugs and Kleenex all the while promising that she would take care of Harmon as if he were her own. Everyone was very nice and they encouraged me to call later and get updates (which I did). And, of course, Harmon was all smiles. He has no idea about strangers yet! So, we got up the courage to leave and I didn’t even make it out of the center before losing it. I cried for a good, long while and as I got to work, I was happy about my new, earlier start time as no one would see how good I didn’t look. Although I felt incredibly guilty AND like I was the worst mother in the world, the day wasn’t as bad as I expected – until my phone rang at 5 p.m. It was the day care center telling me that Harmon had just awoken from his nap and he wasn’t happy. Furthermore, he was out of bottles (I had packed him three six-ounce bottles). OK, he’s three months’ old and a very good eater and, at home, he can eat five ounces and go three hours between feedings or six ounces and go four hours. As long as he is having his last bottle around 10 p.m., we’re happy! So, we fed him five ounces at 6:30 a.m. thinking he would eat again at 9:30 a.m. After that feeding, he would eat around 1:30 p.m. and then again at 5:30 p.m. – just before I came to get him. I guess that’s not the schedule day care had in mind! They started off well with him eating at 9:15 a.m. but then he proceeded to gorge himself on Enfamil lattes (must give credit to my Mom for this one) at 12:15 p.m. and 2 p.m. MY GOD! Let’s do the math, people – that’s 23 ounces of formula in eight hours – roughly three ounces an hour! JESUS! You would think that would be enough but, no, when I left work immediately to go get him, he was ready for more. By the time we got home, he was in a full-blown fit, that is, until another six-ounce bottle appeared! So, minus, the gorging, the first day of day care went OK.
We both work 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. but, but, Harmon is with my Mom. She came over today to watch him, which is enough in itself, but she brought banana bread for breakfast, chicken soup for lunch and lasagna for dinner! And, even though I told her no cleaning was allowed, I’m not sure she can control herself! Having Harmon with my Mom is the best thing in the world! After all, she did a decent job with me, right?
Kevin will work 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. (his usual late Thursday) and I will work 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Harmon again will be at day care so hopefully we can get this bottle thing under control!
Kevin has a regular 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. day and I AM OFF WITH MR. MAN! I cannot wait for Friday so I can snuggle and play with my boy! If he thought he was tired after day care, wait until Friday night!
Overall, I think this deal can work. I know it will get easier (can someone tell me when?) and it will be good for all of us to get on some type of schedule. And, one day, when Harmon is in school and it’s not cool to hang out with Mommy anymore, I’ll need to be my own person again, blah, blah, blah. Plus, when it comes right down to it, we can’t afford for me not to work so we’ll all just have to suck it up. Whatever the little man requires is what we’ll do!
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