In addition to the climbing, he gets into everything. If we let him, he would have every toy of his and especially every toy of Harmon's out at the same time. He also likes to climb into and empty our pantry and totally digs playing in the fridge.
Another thing Harmon never did that Simon loves to do is make a huge mess eating. He really gets into his food and, at the end of the meal, his entire high chair is a mess. He throws some of his food on the floor and he rubs food in his hair and eyes. When he gets tired of actually drinking his milk, he'll start letting it slowly dribble out of his mouth. It then settles down into the pocket of his bib, along with food that he missed getting into his mouth. We call this Simon "soup" and it's disgusting to clean up.
To make up for the food mess and the climbing, though, he gives the best squeezey hugs and will give unsolicited kisses (open mouth, on the cheek) at any moment. He's also learning new words by the day! He's doing great at school and may move up to the next room - the grasshoppers - very soon. He spends some time visiting the new room now and just shimmies under the gate when he wants to go back to his old room.
Overall, he's a very happy, healthy, handsome smart boy. We are so very lucky!