Monday, February 22, 2010
Rocking Simon
Rocking Simon to sleep is a special treat and Kevin and I take turns doing it. It involves getting all snuggled up in the rocking chair in his room under a big fleece blanket with our feet up. Sometimes, he’s restless and just wants in his crib which, unfortunately, reminds us that our rocking-him-to-sleep days are numbered. Most days, though, he is comfortable and snuggly and he just passes out on your chest – it’s the highlight of the day. You know it’s a great night, though, when he is so dead asleep that he a) ejects his binky (pacifier) and b) leaves a huge drool spot on your shirt. We look forward to that drool spot each and every day!
Monday, February 15, 2010
If you leave me now

Monday, February 08, 2010
Odd bird

1. He loves to play with HIS ears, which can complicate things if, say, there’s a suspected ear infection (not yet, knock on wood). He also loves to play with MY ears. Many a night, while rocking him, I’ve had to make my ears fully accessible so that he could play with them until he fell asleep.
2. He is the most ticklish baby I’ve ever come in contact with. ANY part of his chubby little body will produce a healthy squeal when tickled!
3. Every time he coughs, he will follow it up with a sneeze. This “skill” comes in handy when he’s eating. Sadly, it’s how we can tell he’s just coughing instead of choking. If a sneeze happens, he’s all good.
Monday, February 01, 2010
14-month update

But, for Simon, this month was the month he pretty much decided being upright was the new and cool way to go! Although he has been standing and cruising a lot, his primary way around was still crawling. Well, he now is standing on his own - for the first time at my parents' hardwood floor on Saturday, Jan. 9 - and I can tell he's thinking about taking steps. We're in trouble!
Also, this month, I made wear the hell out of this hat!
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