My Mom watched Harmon today on her usual Wednesday and called us at 5:30 p.m. to see if we wanted to meet her at Chuck E. Cheese’s. Of course we did, so we went there right from work. We all had a great time eating pizza and watching Harmon take his turn on all the rides. He even scored yet another ball at the end of the night! As we were waiting to purchase said ball, there were three little kids in line in front of us. One of the little boys starting groping the little girl and her Mom looked at us and said, “Is this one yours?” We looked at her like, yeah, sure, he’s ours and we thought we would just let him stand there, in plain view, and rough up your daughter! Finally, “this one’s” Mom came over to retrieve him and the little girl and her brother (who did nothing, by the way – nice brother) left. As we walked back to our table to pack up, Mom called the other Mom a “dingbat” and, of course, Harmon repeated it! I guess we REALLY need to start watching what we say and evidently controlling our out-of-control children in Chuck E. Cheese’s.
By the way, make the world a better place, punch Nick in the face!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Pancakes and proposals

Turns out Kevin really needed those pancakes as he spent most of Saturday moving a huge shelving unit from one wall of our basement to another. After taking care of our little water problem (it was a clogged ground water drainage pipe, by the way, and thanks to Mom and Uncle Dave for helping us out with it), it's again full-speed ahead on our basement project. Kevin's Dad is planning on visiting sometime next month to work on it with him. And, I've already completed the most important part of the project – I've picked out paint swatches!
On Sunday, we took another trip to our local IKEA store. This time, we were on the lookout for some table lamps for our bedroom. Kevin has asked about these 1,000,000 times but I've been holding off thinking we might actually get a bedroom set one day. But, seeing as how that's not going to happen for a long, long time (mostly because the basement takes priority right now), I gave in. We found some cool lamps that look nice and they didn't cost too much. Amazing how much thought we put into a set of $14.99 lamps!
Over the weekend, we also finished Harmon's week-long breathing treatments. It's a good thing too because it was getting old for all three of us. He pretty much is back to normal (and back to day care) but, then again, you never really can tell when he's sick anyway. Even though he was feeling better, I think we did detect a food allergy or food intolerance to eggs. On four different occasions, we've given him eggs (straight versus mixed in something else) and he's either rubbed his eyes raw or thrown up or both. So, we'll have to take a look at it with the doctor at his next appointment, which is Feb. 16.
No walking yet but he is cruising everywhere and all he wants to do is walk with you. Sometimes, he even does a spider monkey (see photo above) kind of walk up and down the hall and along the gate that surrounds Isabel's cage. Any day now! The doctor and I both think that he's concentrating more on talking than walking right now and that would explain the almost-one-new-word-a-day pace. He now says "car," "cookie," "cracker," "water," "caca," "poo poo," "pee, pee" and is working hard on "love you." Also, much to my delight, "mama" finally has returned to his vocabulary on a regular basis. I just love hearing it!
OK, now on to the BIG news of the weekend. My little, tiny, baby sister is getting married! Her boyfriend proposed on Friday and she called me (and the rest of the family) and thoroughly stunned us all. Although they've been together for a long time AND have talked about rings and weddings and what not, it still was a surprise. Maybe it's because she just turned 23 in October! But, they are thinking about a late fall wedding in 2008 so she'll be 25 by then. So, congrats to them! And, I can't wait to help with the wedding!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
State of the Union
Since I can't stomach a State of the Union Address from someone who still hasn't mastered the English language, I tend to boycott the TV on nights like last night. However, Kevin was watching MSNBC's Keith Olbermann (see, old SportsCenter fans have followed Keith into the mainstream) tear apart, word for word, every other Bush State of the Union Address and forgot to change the channel when the lies, I mean the address, started. So, on my way to the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of the TV screen and saw the following:

While the Pinocchio in the foreground made me want to put my head under a tire, the sight to the audience's right was rather refreshing. It was so awesome to see Nancy Pelosi – a woman and a Democrat – sitting in the Speaker of the House spot. Maybe there is hope!
By the way, do we really need a State of the Union address at this point in the Bush Administration? I think it's pretty well known that we're all screwed (well, unless you're rich)!
OK, one last thing - these cartoons are good!

While the Pinocchio in the foreground made me want to put my head under a tire, the sight to the audience's right was rather refreshing. It was so awesome to see Nancy Pelosi – a woman and a Democrat – sitting in the Speaker of the House spot. Maybe there is hope!
By the way, do we really need a State of the Union address at this point in the Bush Administration? I think it's pretty well known that we're all screwed (well, unless you're rich)!
OK, one last thing - these cartoons are good!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Talking in your sleep
We know Harmon is a crazy sleeper, if only from where he ends up in relation to where he went to sleep. But, he also talks and crawls in his sleep. On numerous occasions, he’s blurted out his favorite words in the wee hours. At 3 a.m., for example, we’ll hear “ball” or “dada” and think, damn, he’s awake, what the hell is going on. But, he ALWAYS goes back to sleep. I guess he must be dreaming about his Daddy or his beloved balls! This morning, I witnessed this first hand (as opposed to just hearing it through the monitor). I stayed home with him today as he's still not 100 percent and we slept in a bit together. I woke up before he did and watched him sleep and say "dadadadada" in the softest, quietest, little baby boy voice. It couldn't have been cuter! Well, I guess it could have if he would have said "mama!"
In addition to the sleep talking, we’ve also noticed some sleep crawling. Sometimes, like when he might be having a nightmare, we’ll check on him and he’ll crawl from where he is back to his original sleep location. He also does this when we’re napping with him in our bed. He’ll get up on all fours and crawl back to where he started the nap. This sleep talking and sleep crawling usually takes place when his eyes are completely closed so he’s not awake. Who knows what goes on in the minds of babies!
In addition to the sleep talking, we’ve also noticed some sleep crawling. Sometimes, like when he might be having a nightmare, we’ll check on him and he’ll crawl from where he is back to his original sleep location. He also does this when we’re napping with him in our bed. He’ll get up on all fours and crawl back to where he started the nap. This sleep talking and sleep crawling usually takes place when his eyes are completely closed so he’s not awake. Who knows what goes on in the minds of babies!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Damn day care germs

Of course, while all this is happening, I have to feel like crap too. I’m not sure really what is going on with me. On Thursday night, I had the chills and an upset stomach. Yesterday, the chills were gone but they were replaced with full body aches. Today, what a surprise, I’ve developed a sore throat and a headache to go along with the body aches. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. I feel so guilty about feeling sick because it puts such a burden on Kevin and I hate that. It’s just not my nature to sit around and let him do all the work. ANYWAY, here’s hoping Sunday will be a better day for Harmon and me. And, please dear Lord, don’t let Kevin get sick too. Yikes!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
What a nice guy

Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The effects of global warmings
Well, death storm 2007 hit Southeast Michigan Sunday and Monday. Unlike in years’ past, it came in the form of ice (and rain). Usually, by mid-January, we’ve had a ton of snow. This winter, however, we’ve had almost no snow. We’ve had a ton of rain, though, which has been a disaster for us because these Noah’s Ark-style rains have wreaked havoc on our basement. We had no problems last winter or last spring, the time when it’s usually the wettest. But, I guess with our plans to finish the basement nearing, it was better for this to happen now than when we get everything all done. I guess these are the effects of that alleged (said with extreme sarcasm) global warmings!
Branches of our lilac bush in the backyard:
Branches of our lilac bush in the backyard:
Icicles on the telephone wire:
Frozen water droplets hanging from our big "Christmas tree" in the front yard:
Thin ice (with bubbles) on the branch of our Japanese Maple:
Looking through our Japanese Maple out into the street:
A suspicious squirrel in our pine tree:
Monday, January 15, 2007

Anyway, it’s a round yellow topaz in a white gold bezel setting with a 17-inch white gold chain. I’ve had it on for two days now and don’t plan on taking it off anytime soon as it reminds me of my precious little Harmon. And, seeing as how we don’t have a money tree in the back yard, I made Kevin PROMISE that this would be my Mother’s Day gift, even if it did come four months early.
First trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s
On Saturday, Harmon had his first trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s. I had a hair appointment at noon back home (I can’t bear to leave my hair dresser so I gladly drive an hour every seven weeks) and Kevin tries to go when I go too. So, we met my Mom and Dad at Macy’s just before noon and they picked up Harmon and decided to take him to Chuck E. Cheese’s. He had a fantastic
time, although they no longer have the ball pit, which I thought would be the highlight of Harmon’s young life. It’s been a while since we’ve been to a Chuck E. Cheese’s but evidently they nixed the ball pits for sanitary reasons - yuck. Anyway, after eating for well over an hour straight (he had fruits and vegetables from the salad bar along with his first taste of pizza), he got to go on all the rides. Early on,
he had a great time! But, by the time Kevin and I got there (around 1:15 p.m.), he started to tire out and began to cry on every ride. That, and he was not a big fan of the Teletubbies! He had fun watching Daddy play pop-a-shot, though, and he had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa who, of course, spoiled him rotten. Since the first trip went over well, we’ll have to try it again soon!

Friday, January 12, 2007
14 months old

Another great gift to Harmon as he was nearing the 14-month threshold was two shots. On Monday, he had a doctor’s appointment to get the second half of his flu shot and his last one-year vaccination. Our doctor didn’t want him to get five shots and a blood draw at his one-year visit so he split them up, which was quite nice of him actually. This time, I did my best to be brave and I stayed near Harmon during the shots (Kevin usually does this as I hide away on the other side of the room and fight off tears). We each grabbed a hand as the nurse did her thing and, although I was looking away, I could tell the moment the needle entered his chubby little thigh as he tensed up so much. But, it was over quickly and he was fine the rest of the day with the usual exception of being a little tired.
Not much else is new this week although Kevin and I have been really bad at taking pictures lately (as evidenced by Harmon’s last photo on Flickr being from Jan. 2). We got a new digital camera for Christmas (thanks Mom and Dad) and we’re still learning how to work it. So, we want to use it but don’t know all the functionality yet and we’ve vowed not to fall back into the habit of using the old one. Basically, we just need to get it figured out and take some photos already before Harmon turns 12!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Digging in the dirt

If you live under a rock and haven’t seen any ads, the gist of the show is that Courtney Cox is an editor of a sleazy tabloid magazine and her best friend is the photographer. There also is a full cast of actors, athletes, etc., that end up in her magazine, one way or another. The acting is pretty decent and the characters are interesting – especially the photographer. And, it's gotten some good reviews from the likes of the Washington Post and the Miami Herald so give it a try.
The only problem so far is that all the pre-premiere commercials featured Peter Gabriel's song, "Digging in the Dirt" and now I can't get it out of my head!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Are you kidding?
Monday, January 08, 2007
It's alive!

While we were at Kevin's parents' house, something exciting happened (aside from me seeing the new Rocky movie AT THE THEATER); Harmon weaned himself from his bottle. Although he's been without the daytime bottles since his first birthday, he still was getting his bedtime bottle. And, since the holidays are so hectic and we knew we had to travel, Kevin and I decided to wait until after the New Year to wean him off that last bottle. But, apparently, Harmon had different plans. Our first night away, he drank most of his bottle and, the second night, he only drank half. By the third and fourth nights, he wanted nothing to do with it. And, at that point, we decided to just go with it. So, now, at bedtime, we put on his pajamas, wash his little face and hands (which he HATES), brush his 10,000 teeth, read him a book, and then he simply puts his little head down and falls asleep. It almost seems too easy. He has had a few nights with nightmares, especially right when we got back home, but it seems to be going OK. If only potty training can be this easy!
Ah yes, the 10,000 teeth – or so it seems. Right before Christmas (Dec. 17), he cut his first molar and was working on one of his eye teeth (lower right). Well, those are through and two more have followed – a molar on the bottom left followed by another eye tooth (lower left). So, 12 total and the upper eye teeth have almost broken through as well (for #13 and #14). And, I can't imagine what's going on with his upper molars. They may be through for all I know, especially since we can't see up there. All these new teeth and you would never know it. He's been so good while sprouting these things!
OK, I know everyone has the same burning question and, no, no walking yet. He's content to crawl and cruise and that's fine by me. I stressed about the crawling and since that worked out OK, I told myself I wasn't going to stress about the walking. Over the Christmas break, Kevin's aunt told me that once they start walking, it's like you lose your baby so he can take his time. He's stood up by himself and, as I said, he is cruising so I'm sure it will happen sooner than later. I was about a year old and Kevin didn't walk until he was 15 months so he's somewhere in the neighborhood.
Although he's not walking, he is making up for it in talking. He is a blabbermouth, which is cute unless you're in church (like yesterday). Since yesterday was Epiphany, all the Christmas decorations were still up so he had to say “tree” about 23,000 times. And, the little kid sitting next to us had a puppy stuffed animal and that about sent Harmon over the edge. All I heard for a good five minutes was “pup-py,” “pup-py!” So, his vocabulary includes: dada (his favorite), mama, mommy, hi, bye, bye bye, nana, baba, papa, puppy, kitty, kitty cat, ball (his second favorite, although said with much more enthusiasm than dada), pretty, bop, boppy, tree, santa, Harmon (said like armen) and lots of other words I either can't remember or can't understand (this is more likely). He responds to so much too, it's just amazing. We got him this big tiger (about the size of him) stuffed animal for Christmas (his kitty) and we'll tell him to go give his kitty a hug. He then crawls over to it, hugs it while laying his little head on it and then pets it while making the cutest little "awwww" sound. Also, if you say "touchdown," he raises up his little arms like a referee. Unfortunately, he didn't get much practice with this during the Rose Bowl. Well, at least not with Michigan touchdowns.
Ah, let's see, what else. At day care this week, he will start transitioning up to the next group, the waddlers. Although he technically can't make the move until he's walking, he will be sleeping and playing with them throughout the day. So, no more sleeping in the crib at day care. He'll now just sleep on a mat like the bigger kids.
That’s all for now as I have to save some Harmon stuff for his 14-month update on Friday. I can’t believe he’s going to be 14 months old!
Before I go, a blast from the past, “The State” style!
Monday, January 01, 2007
It's a New Year (for everyone but U-M)

And while it is a new year, some things never change. And if you have been to this blog before, you know where this is headed. But first a little history. Back in September when Michigan trounced Notre Dame 47-21, we received an e-mail from a friend saying, in so many words, that Lloyd Carr had silenced his doubters and that anyone who criticized him was wrong. Heck, she was practically soaking in the Gatorade bath the team gave Lloyd that day. It was an impressive win, no doubt, but a look at things since then shows that, well, all is not as great as she claims.
Fast forward to Nov. 18 when Michigan went to Ohio State and had the chance to play its way into the national title game. Other fans tried to blame the bad field, Troy Smith's shoe size, the location of the satellites in the sky. Whatever. We lost and did not deserve a rematch. I am down with that and accepted it immediately. But a lot happened between Sept. 16 and Nov. 18, and it shows that all is not well at Michigan Stadium.
So, Michigan finished 11-2 (this is being written as the Rose Bowl is still being played, but is the outcome really in doubt? No.), but after beating Notre Dame on Sept. 16, they reeled off wins over the following: Wisconsin (a legit win, I will concede that, but at home), Minnesota (fired its coach), Michigan State (ditto), Penn State (OK, but still a bad team), Iowa (please, 6-7 says it all), Northwestern (no comment), Ball State (I refuse to acknowledge this game happened) and Indiana (completion of a murderous three-game string).
With our annual loss at Ohio State and the pending Rose Bowl embarassment (32-11 at last count), Michigan is 1-2 in meaningful games since beating Notre Dame. And they will finish with a loss to Ohio State and in the bowl game for the third straight year. And be 0-3 in the last three Rose Bowls. Hopefully, we are not invited back for a while. The smog in LA is our stench.
So, while I wanted to believe 2007 would be different, it isn't, at least on the football field. Maybe we will get like Lions fans and become numb to it. But it hurts to continually be embarassed on a national stage. Remember, we were supposed to come out and show the nation how we felt about being snubbed for the BCS title game. Um, nice stand boys.
So, I will not waste my time checking for e-mail from this "friend." Go ahead and defend Lloyd this time. I can't wait to see the excuses.
32-11. Beauty. (Oops, meaningless touchdown, 32-18). Still a beauty.
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