Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

When Harmon was little, my Mom sang this song for him:
Here comes Peter Cottontail
Hopping down the bunny trail
Hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way
Bringing lots of toys for him
Toys for baby Harmon
Hippity hoppity, Easter's on its way
While I know it's not an original, she did change the lyrics and this is the part the boys love. We sang it for both boys this year as Easter got closer and the Easter bunny did not disappoint. The Wednesday before Easter, the boys stayed with my parents for the day and scored huge Easter baskets. They got clothes, books, DVDs, toys for summer water play, etc. In short, SPOILED. When we got to Peoria, it was no different. More Easter presents than necessary for a 5 and 2-year-old. We decided to wait until we got back to give them our stuff. This way, you know, they got stuff every other day instead of all at once (SPOILED)!
Harmon was very happy to find some Angry Birds stuff animals along with way too many books and a Tom and Jerry t-shirt. Simon scored just as many books and a different Tom and Jerry t-shirt but, most importantly, some Yo Gabba Gabba Van's shoes. He couldn't wait to put them on even though they were way too big. He proved to be patient and we remedied the situation within the week. Now, they fit and he can't get enough.
All in all, Easter was great, more like Christmas but great nonetheless.