Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Llama drama

Harmon has this book called Llama, Llama, Red Pajama. The gist of it is that this little llama has some separation/bedtime anxiety and is upset because his llama mama leaves his bedroom. He calls her and, when he she doesn’t come right away, he has a fit. When she finally does come to him, she says the following:

“Please stop all this llama drama and be patient for your mama.”

Kevin and I reference “llama drama” AT LEAST 5,469 times each day. Lately, it seems there is SO MUCH llama drama in our lives – whether if be of the family variety or the work variety. And, frankly, I am SO TIRED of all this llama drama.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Who's Your Tiger?

"Who's Your Tiger?" is an advertising slogan for the Detroit Tigers but, since I can't choose just one (I love them all), I'll have to choose my own LITTLE tiger. This is Harmon at the park this past Tuesday.

After not wanting anything to do with his baseball cap for a while, he saw I was wearing one and asked where his was. He then found it and wore it for the next few hours. Then, yesterday when he was with my parents, he wore it all day long. I think he saw that Papa had one on too and I think he noticed it kept the sun out of his eyes. Whatever the reason, I hope he keeps wearing that cap - he looks so cute!

And, just to make myself SO sad (he's gotten SO big), here he is the LAST time he wore a cap - October 2006. This particular day was a bad one - the Tigers lost the AL Central on the last day of the season by losing to the freakin' Royals!

Lastly, here is the FIRST time (June 2006) he ever donned the Old English D! God, so damn cute! I want to eat him up (and I want him to be that age again)!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Booty hurt, booty hurt!

Harmon is never shy about telling anyone about his ailments. If he has even the smallest boo-boo on his hand, or other body parts, he will point to it and tell you all about it five times a day. So, when he told us a few times over the weekend that "my booty hurts," we thought maybe it was just raw or that he had a slight diaper rash. Well, on Saturday he developed a small boil near the top of his little crack, and it kept getting harder and more red. He obviously was agitated by it as the weekend went on. We called the doctor and he wanted to see Harmon. There are a lot of "bugs" going around, and they wanted to make sure it was not something serious, like the Super Bug. The boil was coming to a head, so with Aimee and I helping to hold him down (it felt like we were riding a bull), the doctor drained it last night. Harmon cried so hard, but overall was a good patient. We have to keep an eye on the incision over the next few days to make sure it is healing OK. After wiping his tears, Harmon warmed up to a fire truck sticker from the nurse, and was back to his usual self by the time we hit the parking lot. He told us, "My booty feels better," and "I want to go to the park." He crashed hard about 8 last night, and as of 7:15 this morning, he was was still sawing logs.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Go fly a kite

Yesterday my parents took Harmon to Kensington Metropark to go kite flying. My Mom bought him this awesome jelly fish kite last April but, because the weather seems to ALWAYS suck on Wednesdays, she never got to fly it with him. The weather yesterday, though, was perfect for kite flying – 70s and very breezy.

He must have had a good time because he crashed in the car on the way home. Unfortunately, it was a little early for him to go to bed so he played and then couldn’t fall back asleep. I think he tossed and turned in bed until 10 p.m. – he must have been thinking about kite flying.

His fun continues today because, when he gets home from school, his Grandpa and Grandma will be waiting for him. Kevin’s parents will be here for the weekend and they are SO excited to spend time with Harmon. While Kevin’s Dad was here in February, Kevin’s Mom hasn’t seen Harmon since Christmas. I’m thinking there are going to be plenty of walks and trips to the park this weekend so I hope the weather cooperates.

With the grandparents in town, Kevin and I will get a little bit of a break. We’re planning to go to dinner at bd’s Mongolian Grill tomorrow before heading over to the U-M baseball game. It’s supposed to be sunny and 70 degrees at game time – perfect baseball weather. We’re also hoping this weekend will bring us lots of SLEEP. Sleep is SO underrated!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

29 months

Today, Harmon is 29 months old. Kevin and I best describe things as steady. He is growing and always learning something new but we haven’t had any major milestones in the past month.

Now that it’s finally getting warmer, his love affair with the park has blossomed again. We’ve gone almost every day this past week until today when it was in the 40s and rainy. He has such simple demands – swings and slides!

When we’re INSIDE the house, we continue to work on potty training. He is wearing the Pampers Feel ‘n Learn training pants a lot when we’re at home and I think he’s getting the hang of it. We’re also starting to transition him into his booster seat and out of his high chair for meals. He seems ready, especially after having breakfast on the bar stool with my Mom last Wednesday, And, speaking of eating, he has been eating (and sleeping) a ton lately so we suspect he’s going through yet another growth spurt.

School has been going well, with the exception of four of Harmon’s older classmates moving up to the next “grade.” We were a little sad as these four kids have been with Harmon since he started at Annie’s but he seems fine with it. He has AWESOME teachers and he’ll see his old friends again soon, I’m sure. One thing we love so much about Harmon’s school is the art and the music. I have a binder full of all his art work (I swear we bring something home each week) and we always can tell when he’s had music time as he sings all night after we pick him up. His class recently learned to sing “Happy Birthday” so we put him to work singing to my Dad earlier this month. He loves to sing and will just sit and sing several songs on his own, all the way through. I hope his love for music continues to grow.

In addition to music, he also LOVES numbers. When I picked him up from school on Thursday, the teacher told me he went potty so he got to choose a sticker. He told her he wanted a #6 sticker and then showed her which one it was. She said she was so impressed because she had NO IDEA he knew all of his numbers (it’s nice to hear when you’re doing something right). He has magnetic numbers on the fridge that he loves to play with and has a numbers puzzle that he does a few times each night. He also loves his “Here Come the 123s” CD/DVD and he counts everything he can get his hands on. He likes his letters too and knows them almost as well but he’s really into the numbers. A typical boy, I guess.

The numbers puzzle is just one of several puzzles that he’s into lately. He also has letters, shapes, emergency vehicles and animals and he loves to play with all of them each night. He’s still into his cars as well as his Lego’s – some things are timeless.

One thing that has been very sweet to watch is the development of Harmon’s relationship with Isabel. He notices her so much more now and, now that she knows he’s not going to hurt her, she’ll let him come up to her and pet her. If she’s in a really good mood, they’ll even have a game of chase. He’s very gentle with her and she seems happy to have the attention. He’ll even go so far as to give her some of his Kix or Cheerios when he’s having breakfast. Food is such a strong bond!

Lastly, we’ve noticed that Harmon LOVES to dwell on his “booboos” FOREVER. If he gets a bump or a scratch, he will milk it for weeks! He loves the attention that accompanies a booboo, whether it’s in the form of some TLC or just a little Neosporin!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jonesing for the ‘cheese

A few weeks ago, my parents took Harmon to Chuck E. Cheese's when they were with him on Wednesday. Side note: my Dad has been coming with my Mom for about the last two months due to the American Axle strike. Because there are no axles, his GM plant can’t build trucks so they’ve been shut down. He’s been out longer because of this strike than he was because of his own strike last fall. Come on, American Axle!

ANYWAY, since they took him that first time, he wants to go EVERY TIME he's with them now. And, the majority of the time, he gets his way and they go. He IS their first grandchild so naturally they’ve got a soft spot for him.

Kevin and I are more than happy to let Nana and Papa handle the Chuck E. Cheese's duties – we HATE that place. It’s not so much that it’s loud and crazy. It’s simply that the pizza there is GOD AWFUL and we hate to blow our pizza allowance (we must limit ourselves, we could eat pizza every damn day) on Chuck E. Cheese's pizza. The ONLY saving grace for that place is that it serves Diet Coke.

Harmon does love it, though. I’m just hoping this love will fade so that, when it’s time, we don’t have to host any birthday parties there. There are so many OTHER cool places in Ann Arbor. Plus, I think I would feel bad making people eat that pizza (gag)!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Three parks and Ferry Field

We FINALLY had good weather this past weekend and we took full advantage of it. On Saturday, we went for a long walk to and through Arborland Mall (with stops at Toys R Us and Borders for Harmon) and then went to the park by our house – Sylvan Park – on the way home. The park was renovated recently and is much nicer (and I anticipate many stops there in the coming months). It was a gorgeous day and it was so nice to finally be out of the house.

Sunday was even nicer (albeit windy) and, again, we spent most of it outside. We started the day at Ferry Field and Harmon ran around on the infield of the track as well as the long jump lanes. There was a softball game going on as well as a random cook-out near the Academic Center so the place was pretty busy. After he was tired of simply RUNNING, we stopped by Burns Park (one of Harmon’s favorites) and the playground at Allen Elementary School. We then headed home, took another long walk that included a trip to Hiller’s to get some dinner to grill and then finished with another stop at Sylvan Park. After dinner and just a short time of playing, Harmon crashed hard around 8:30 p.m. All that fresh air over the weekend just knocked him out!

I keep checking the 10-day forecast to see if we have indeed turned the corner and I think we have. It was a LONG winter and we are more than happy to make up for it and take Harmon to as many parks as his little heart desires!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Potty in public

While Harmon’s doing pretty well with the potty training at home (and at Nana and Papa’s house), he had yet to go potty in public. We FINALLY coaxed him into going #1 at Twelve Oaks Mall after his haircut on March 15. And then, last week, while we were having dinner at Pizza House, he asked twice to go potty. I took him the first time and he again went #1. Kevin took him the second time and they were gone for literally five hours. When they returned, though, there was good news – he had gone #2. So, I think we’re taking another step in this whole potty training adventure. It’s hard to believe that the first time he went on his little potty chair was last August. It doesn’t seem like that much time has gone by but I do hope he’s fully trained by THIS August.