Monday, July 31, 2006

Birthday Banter

This past weekend, I celebrated my freakin' 33rd birthday. I can't believe I'm 33, I have A KID and a house and I'm married and I have real life responsibilities. Sometimes, I feel like (or act like) I'm 12 years old but, unlike the last few years, I now can blame this behavior on Harmon. I need to act like a fool because he likes it!

So, I got some cool stuff for my birthday. My parents got me some great new clothes (a cool brown blouse and a brown sweater and this awesome Michigan jacket thingie); my sister, Stacey, got me some cool capris and the new Goo Goo Dolls CD; and my sister, Erin, bought me the coolest Moosejaw t-shirt (in cranberry). My sister-in-law, Angela, helped keep me smelling good by sending me the new CK One Summer perfume and my in-laws sent me a check, which I immediately applied towards the big gift Kevin got me. In addition to some framed Harmon pictures, Tommy Lee's autobiography and some awesome Post-Its (from Isabel), Kevin got me the Coach purse I've been lusting over for a couple of months now. After getting over the feelings of guilt (I don't buy myself much anymore – must be a Mom thing), I now am in love with this purse. Love, I tell you!

Anyway, all this birthday stuff got me thinking about past birthdays so I went back through my old journals and found some cool stuff. Apparently, big life events OR Detroit Tigers' games are integral parts of my birthdays, year after year!

We just moved into our new house. Our first night sleeping there was July 26 and, on July 27, I remember be grossly pregnant sitting in Home Depot for HOURS. I had this weird belly button pain at this point in my pregnancy and, on this night, it was especially painful. After leaving Home Depot right at closing time, the rest of the night was spent watching Kevin, my Mom and my Uncle Dave install my birthday present – vertical blinds for our living room. Ahh, yes! I mustn't forget Kevin's awesome gift to me last year – tickets to the MLB All-Star Game at Comerica Park!

In 2004, we actually took a vacation (our last real one). We spent a week in the DC area and it was awesome. On my actual birthday, we spent the first part of the day in Hershey, Penn. (a lot of the time at Hershey's Chocolate World – yummy) and the rest of the day in Gettysburg. It was an awesome birthday and the trip to Gettysburg, although a last-minute addition to the itinerary, was amazing!

2003 brought a new job at U-M, where I had been trying to return since leaving as a student/employee in 1995. I must like it because I'm still there. Also, my parents got me my digital camera thus allowing me to take one hundred million pictures of Harmon!

Ahh, 2002 – our unemployed summer! Kevin lost his job in September 2001 and I lost mine in January 2002. Although Kevin would return to work (at U-M) in August, the lack of money made for a rough summer. He and my family did, however, manage to get me a few small things and chipped in on my Tiffany necklace. I love that thing!

This year brought a move from our tiny, newlywed apartment in Ann Arbor to a larger apartment in New Hudson. Although it was a HUGE bummer to leave Ann Arbor, our four years in New Hudson ending up being great! Sometimes, we really miss that place. It was huge, it was private and we had a fireplace that Isabel would sprawl in front of four hours! Also, my actual birthday was spent with my family at, surprise, Comerica Park watching the Tigers!

This year's birthday was special – I was 27 on the 27th. And, Kevin made sure I always would remember it. I was working at Visteon in Dearborn at the time and he told me to be out in front of the building at 5 p.m. SHARP! So, there I was, standing out there like a goon when up pulls a long, black limo (the same limo we ended up booking for our wedding day). I was hesitant to approach but the driver got out and said he was there to pick me up. I didn’t know where I was going but ended up at the Gandy Dancer for dinner and it was perfect! The whole day was perfect, even though we had to drive back to Dearborn later that night and get my Jeep!

In '99, Kevin still was living in St. Louis but he flew in for my birthday. Over the weekend, we went to the jeweler to look at engagement rings. I had seen a ring in a bridal magazine that I was in love with but I never thought, in a million years, that I would find it in person. But, right there, at Kramar Jewelers in Oak Park, I found it. It was big, it was gorgeous and I had to have it! Kevin had it held and would give it to me the following April.

During 1998, I interned in the Detroit Tigers' marketing/events group and had one of the best summers of my entire life! I worked every game (81 freakin' home games – at night and on the weekends) after working my real job during the day and I was exhausted but it was fantastic. For my birthday, we spent the weekend in Cleveland watching the Tigers take on the Indians and I drank entirely too much, which was the case most of the summer. Also, something about 1998 I would like to forget. On my actual birthday, I accepted the worst job of my career – a project associate position working in major events at Ford Motor Company. I will say nothing more for fear that the memories will haunt me forever!

The day after my birthday, I accepted my first, real, full-time job at the law firm of Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn! What an awesome first job this was! I was working in downtown Detroit, on the 22nd floor of a cool, vintage building and I had an OFFICE with a WINDOW! And, the actual work was great too. I gained some very good experience and, after working with 100 or so attorneys on a daily basis, I decided I DID NOT want to go to law school (I honestly was thinking about it)!

This summer was devastating to me. After dating Kevin for a little over a year, his internship at U-M was up and he took a job at Washington University in St. Louis. He would live there until March of 2000, meaning we would do the long-distance relationship thing for almost four years – sad! The good news, however, was that I spent a lot of time in St. Louis – what an awesome town!

Love those Tigers! Another birthday spent watching my beloved Tigers. Of course, back in the 90s, they still were playing at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull. I miss that old place!

I turned 21 and celebrated at Scorekeeper's in Ann Arbor. I don't remember much. I wonder why!

OK, enough about me, lets get to the important stuff – Harmon! The teeth are coming from everywhere! He cut his third tooth – next to the bottom left – on Wednesday, July 12. His fourth tooth – top left – busted through this past Friday, July 28. And, his fifth tooth – next to bottom right – made an appearance yesterday. Five freakin' teeth now! And, unless I'm mistaken, I swear I heard him grinding his teeth yesterday – nasty sound! Through it all, though, he's been SO good. He'll get a little fussy now and then but some Tylenol and a nap usually help quite nicely!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Happy B-day, Aimee!

Today's is Aimee's 29th birthday. She is nervous about No. 30 next year, so send her your comforting thoughts.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I'm so excited!

Since I've been back to work, the weeks have FLOWN by. Before I know it, it's Wednesday night and I am preparing for Thursday, which, technically, is my Friday.

The best part about Thursday, aside from the yummy Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino Light I get on my way into work, is leaving to get Harmon on Thursday afternoon. The minute the clock hits 5:30 p.m., I am out and nothing can stop me. I all but run to the car and, one day, I KNOW I'm going to get a speeding ticket going over the Broadway Bridge as I'm pretty sure the wheels don't touch the ground. I get so excited to go get him – like a kid on Christmas morning, like a kid the night before a trip to Disneyland. It's such an amazing feeling!

I feel much the same way on Tuesdays. Although Kevin does pick-up duty on Tuesdays, I get SO excited the second I know they are together on their way to get me. I can't focus from 5 p.m. (when Kevin leaves work) to 5:30 p.m. (when they arrive to get me) because of the excitement. I just can't wait to see his little face, to know how his day went, and, most importantly, to get him home and play with him.

I like my time at work as it makes me feel like an actual, productive human being. I also think the fact that I have a career will make me a better Mom in the long run. And, the big bonus is that the time I spend away from him (while I'm at work) makes me appreciate so much more the time I spend with him!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Just what is art?

That is the question Harmon tried to figure out while strolling his first Ann Arbor Art Fair ... well, the first one outside of Mommy's belly, anyway. It wasn't so hot this year, but Harmon still got thirsty at times (see right), and even cooled off in the Ingalls Mall fountain.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Packed away and laughing

Now that Harmon is eight months old, we decided it FINALLY was time to take down the pack –n– play. Although he moved to his crib at eight weeks, we kept the pack –n– play up and running just to use the changing table thingy. Since we didn't buy a changing table for his room, this thing came in quite handy and it had the added benefit of being set up right next to our bed. So, when we were done changing him, we could play with him on the bed for hours on end. Well, I think he finally exceeded the weight limit AND his feet were hanging WAY over the edge so we decided the time had come. Of course, I was sad. But, now a couple of days removed, I've noticed how nice it's been to have our bedroom back. It looks HUGE!

In case you didn't notice in the Cheerio video, Harmon is big into the hand clapping these days. He really started doing it this past weekend and loves to do it all the time now. Must be all the clapping we do whenever he does, well, anything. We've also noticed him pounding on his chest, a la Tarzan during the last few diaper changes. He's so funny!

Feeling guilty about all the "da-da-da-da-da" that is heard around the house 24/7, Kevin has been working like crazy with Harmon on "ma-ma-ma-ma-ma." Sometimes, it sounds like "ma-ma" but other times it sounds like "ba-ba," "wa-wa" or "ya-ya." Who knows! One day, I hope to hear a definitive "ma-ma." In the meantime, though, I'll have to settle for him reaching for me and the beginnings of kisses and hugs.

Although Harmon has favorite toys (as has been well documented with the damn hammer - he thinks it's the cat's pajamas), he gets interested in new things everyday. We were in his room playing Sunday night and he noticed some different toys and it was so cute to see him interact with them. He has taken quite a liking to these two things (pictured) recently.

He loves to bang those balls together like there is no tomorrow and he loves the textures and characters on the blocks.

Since it's been SO FREAKIN' HOT here this last week, we haven't been able to take our nightly walk and I think we're feeling the effects. Usually, Harmon is a fantastic sleeper, going to bed around 9:30 p.m. and sleeping until 6:30 a.m. or so. However, the last few days, he's been walking up around 4:30 a.m. It's not a violent wake up, he's usually playing and talking, but he's awake nonetheless. So, we've had to get up and get him back to sleep. It might also be hotter than usual in the house (why does it feel like the air doesn't even work at all when it's SO hot outside) or I have a feeling that he moves all over the place and then wakes up all freaked out like he doesn't know where he is. Anyway, once we flip him back on his belly, get him tucked back in and rub his back for a few minutes, he's usually back to sleep again. I realize it could be worse but …

Last bit of Harmon news, on Saturday, we stopped by Marshall Field's (soon to be Macy's – sad) to check out a few things. Harmon was in a great mood and, while in the elevator, Kevin and I were laughing about something and he started laughing. Sensing big belly laughs on the way, we continued and he was dying! I think everyone in the depleted upstairs area could hear him! I wish I had that video camera on me at all times so I could record every moment.

If you haven’t seen these commercials yet, check them out. They’re awesome but maybe that’s because I’m a car geek. Oooooooo, the Germans!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Rollin', rollin', rollin'

Harmon barrel rolls across the floor in pursuit of his precious hammer. Can't keep that boy away from his favorite toy!

Harmon sinks a Cheerio

Obviously pleased with himself for what he is about to do, Harmon claps in advance of eating a Cheerio. If this video is any indication, he and Daddy will be slopping milk all over in no time.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Eight months old!

Harmon is eight months old today and I can't believe it. I know everyone says this but it seems like just yesterday we brought him home. When we came home, we were clueless, new parents and now, it's amazing, we kind of know what we're doing!

I was rocking him last night and thinking about the last eight months and how they've changed our lives forever. In particular, I was thinking about how I've changed. When I was pregnant the first time, I remember being flat-out scared. It was a surprise I wasn't ready for and when I had the miscarriage just a few days later I felt so guilty. I thought maybe I was being punished for not feeling happy and excited. The second time around, I couldn't wait to see that positive pregnancy test because that loss made me want a child so much more.

Throughout my entire pregnancy, I worried about the kind of mother I would be. I am the oldest child and there is seven years between me and my middle sister so I've always been a little spoiled and Kevin has continued that as he treats me like a princess. I worried that I wouldn't be able to compromise or, in some case, give up the things I loved in lieu of this little baby on the way. I worried that I wouldn’t love him enough or that I wouldn't protect him enough. I worried that I couldn't do enough to make him smart and successful and, most of all, I worried that I would taint him in some way. But now, eight months later, I am so pleasantly surprised at the mother I've become. I know part of it is instinct but there is so much more to it than that.

Harmon is a dream of a baby. He's so happy, easy going and laid back. He slept through the night right away and is a fantastic eater. He rarely has any tantrums (outside of screaming contests with Mom and Dad) and he smiles at everyone. He adjusts to new things wonderfully, usually with a smile. After all the horror stories I've heard from other people, I feel so lucky to have such a good baby (I think I'm finally believing what everyone tells me).

The most rewarding part, though, is that when I walk into a room, his entire face just lights up. He will smile ear to ear and even giggle with glee at the sight of me. I also love when he reaches for me or, when in the right mood, even will give me hugs. It is so awesome to experience this, to know that he loves me that much.

Not too long ago, he was this totally needy little creature. Now, he has his own personality. He hates to be kissed and he hates when you take his favorite toys away from him. He snuggles when he wants to and he lets you know when he's had enough. He has all these expressions and all these sounds flow from his mouth. It's so sweet to see him blossoming into his own person.

But, not a day goes by when I don't miss him at two months or four months or even six months. I want him to need me forever in the way he needs me now. I forever want to rock him to sleep and listen to him coo and feel his little breathe on my neck. I know I can't stop him from getting older and I know I should live in the present and enjoy every moment (I try to) because, before I know it, he'll be eight YEARS old instead of eight MONTHS old.

I remember all my "mom" friends telling me that being a mother is the best thing in the whole world but I never really thought about it until I became one myself. And now, after eight months which appear to be on fast forward, I totally agree. Being Harmon's mom is the best thing in the whole world!

To see Harmon in action, check out all the hard work Kevin did last night getting videos uploaded.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Harmon TV is on the air!

We finally have figured out how to put Harmon TV on this site, so look for more videos soon. In his video debut here, Harmon says his favorite word over and over. And just in case you forget it, he says it with some feeling at the end! In this clip from a few months ago, Harmon gets Mommy and Daddy all wet in the tub. Some others: Harmon loves to have his tummy tickled, but in this clip he has enough of it. Or does he? Also, he takes after his Mommy from her youth in that it is more fun to stop the swing than to rock in it.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Stop ... hammer time!

We are just one day into yet another glorious summer weekend, and already Harmon has found yet more ways to make us laugh. Today we took him to the grotto at Orchard Lake St. Mary's and tried to take some photos of him with all of the pretty flowers.

Well, he is sort of like Stoney (for all of you WDFN fans) in that he rarely looks at you for very long if you are trying to take his picture. Well, today when he was posing for a photo, he fell over into the luscious, green grass. We thought he might like this, having spent very little, if any, time on grass. Well, he wasn't too happy about it (also, see right).

We did manage to get him to smile for a few photos with Mommy and Daddy, and soon were on our way to one of our favorite lunch places, Camelia's (or El Taco Loco, for all of you old school Mexican food grubbers). Shortly after we sat down, we had this feeling we had eaten there one too many times after the waitress asked Aimee if she would like her regular burrito dinner. She didn't even have to open her mouth. Too funny.

So, Harmon was a good boy all day, even when we took him in and out of the car and his stroller 20 times. What probably calmed him the most was that he had his trusty hammer (left) in his hand. It would be easier to get your leg out of a bear trap than to pry that hammer from his hands. He simply loves it. It makes noises and lights up, and Harmon loves to pound on things with it. Dadddy had a little red hammer when he was growing up, so Harmon is well on his way.

We'll just call him Thor ... god of thunder!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Harmon's happy home

I was rocking Harmon in the nursery the other night and realized I never took pictures of the end result of MONTHS of planning. Several people have asked to see the nursery so I thought I would share the photos, as well as a little bit of the process.

As you all know, we didn't find out the sex of the baby so our nursery options were limited. Because Isabel is such a big part of our life, we thought about doing a Peter Rabbit theme. The downside of that, however, was how we would feel one day when – GASP – Isabel no longer was with us. So, we continued to search for a different theme. After not a lot of luck, I called Kevin one day and said, to hell with it, I wanted to do a Peter Rabbit theme. We could think of it as a TRIBUTE to Isabel! And, off we went.

Peter Rabbit himself has shades of blues and tans, which are some of my favorite colors (our whole house is in shades of blues and tans). And, those colors also happened to perfectly match the Graco Travel System, Pack 'n Play, high chair and swing we had selected for our registry.

One of our first orders of duty when we got possession of the house was to paint the nursery and I chose to alternate walls between blue (or "Enchantment" by Glidden) and tan (or "Bermuda Sand" by Olympic Paints). Kevin did a great job painting (I couldn’t help being six months' pregnant and all) and my Mom helped him hang the border. He also did a FANTASTIC job choosing the curtain rods and hanging the valances. Once all that was done, our crib and dresser FINALLY arrived (the crib story is a whole other entry all together) and, much to our surprise, both matched our hardwood floors quite nicely.

The rest of the nursery came together piece by piece and at a SLOW pace. I remember countless trips to Bed, Bath and Beyond and Linens 'n Things looking for a rug to go in the room. We got lucky and found a matching bookshelf at Lowe's and my Mom found our awesome rocking chair at an estate sale. The last piece was the cutest corner table (which my Mom also found at Lowe's) that holds Harmon's bunny night light. We've since hanged and placed lots of little things in the room – some Peter Rabbit related, some not – and I really like how it looks now. I love the alternating wall colors and I think the room works for a boy or a girl – despite what some people think (how could you put a GIRL in a BLUE room?)! I hope Harmon likes it as he starts to explore it more and I hope he doesn't end up hating rabbits since he's surrounded by them. It's funny, Isabel seems to spend a lot of time in his room – maybe she thinks it's hers!